Part 5 No!!

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Part 5
  - Calvin-
Today's the day. Finally,😄😄 I'll get to hear her answer. I hope she says yes. Cause I really wanna start a life with her and we could have children 😍. Ok, that's too much. I just had the feeling she would say yes 😉. Wish me luck haha!

I already gave her the dress in a box together with the letter. This night better be the best night I'm gonna spend with her. Can't wait for that 😜😜.

I arrive early at the restaurant.(eh terlanjur berbahasa inggeris pula sy ni😂😂)

Calvin sdh menunggu dgn semangatnya di depan restaurant. Dilihat jam, dia sepatutnya dah sampai.

Sebuah teksi yg berhenti di seberang jalan membuatkan aku tersenyum. She looks damn pretty in the dress I chose. Dia pandang aku sambil dia lambai. Aku lambai balik.

"Calvin!!"dia panggil aku. Aku senyum balik. Aku lihat dia sudah mau melangkah ke sini.

"Olivia!!!!!"aku menjerit dari jauh. Tapi aku terlambat. Aku hanya memandang kaku badannya yg terpelanting dan terkulai dilanggar sana. Aku tak mampu berkata. Aku berlari ke arah Mayn. Kepala dia berdarah dan darah yg keluar dr mulut dia aku lap. Aku goncang² bahu dia. Dia memandang aku senyum dan lepas itu dia pejam mata. No!!!! Aku menggesa org yg lalu sana memanggil ambulans.

This is my fault. I shouldn't let her go by herself. I'm really mad at myself. She's prone to accident and she can get cut or hurt herself accidentally. I know she's clumsy but this, is MY FAULT. I hate myself. If I didn't let her......this wouldn't happen.

I gave a call to Ash to inform her cousin Mayn.

Bila Ash dan Mayn sampai sy juga tda tau sudah. Sy sdh mati akal sana. Sampai sekarang dia masih dlm pembedahan and the doctor belum keluar.

"What happen bro..?"tanya si Ash menepuk bahu aku.

"Kenapa dgn dia Calvin..."Mayn sdh mundar mandir sana, mata dia sdh berair. Of course she's shock with this. They're​ like sisters.

"I ask her to hv dinner with me ans suddenly, a car came across her, and she....she...had fall to the ground​ and... I can do nothing abt this..... This is my fault!!!!"aku memukul dada ku. I feel frustrated. Nothing matters right now. All I need is to see her smile again. That awkward smile or that smile when she's trying to say sorry. Or that smile when she's too excited and she accidentally speak Korean to me. I just to see her awake and smile at me back.

"Don't blame yourself Calvin. She's a strong girl. She'll be fine ok"Mayn bg semangat. Ash pula sdh menepuk² bahu aku.

God, me🙏🙏.

"Mana keluarga miss Olivia Willow?"dengar ja tu suara doktor, terus kami 3 mengerumuni doktor tu. Doktor Adrian, sempat sy lihat tu tag dia.

"Me, Im her cousin. Her parents aren't here"jawab Mayn.

"Hahhh......begini"doktor tu menarik nafas Dan menghembus. I don't like tge sound. I know it's not a good news. Olivia, please Stay with me. If you hear me, please let me see you smile again.

"She had a concussion and the possibility of her getting memory loss is quite high. Overall, her other parts of the body is ok. And she seems to be in a comma. Just pray that she wilk wake up soon😞"doktor Adrian teeus berlalu. Aku x dpt mencerna apa yg doktor bilang. Yg aku tau. Aku nak tunggu dia bangun.

Aku masuk dan lihat keadaan Olivia. If we could change places, let me be the one lying over there. I don't wanna see you like this. It hurts me. Badan dia yg dicucuk wayar² itu menyakitkan hati aku.

Aku dtg dekat dia dan meraih tangan dia. Aku elus lembut. Matanya pejam.

"Please wake up darling. Don't make me like this. If you could listen to me, please open your eyes and say something...please...."aku tumbuk² lantai. Aku terduduk di tepi katil dia. Olivia masih sama. Masih kaku. Tiada pergerakan. She's so lifeless. I can't afford seeing her like this.

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