Lady Alkali

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Marinette woke up to the sound of her alarm, she reached for the snooze button and hit it with her fist once she found it. She stretched before gliding down the ladder from her bed and landed gracefully on the floor. Tikki floated after her.

"Seems like you're getting to school in time for once." she stated.

"Ha ha ha, it's not the first time. I've only come late to 25% of the days." she pointed out, trying to smile.

Tikki crossed her arms and gave the girl a bored look that said 'I don't buy it'.

"Fine! 45%. But it wasn't that much before I was Ladybug." she stated pointing at Tikki with a grin as she moved towards her desk.

The little Kwami chuckled and flew down to the desk where Marinette sat down and turned on her computer. The screen woke up and when the girl saw her collage of the photo's with her crush on, she let out a sigh as she smiled at the pictures. Then she opened up her internet browser and started checking some things such as the news -which had a lot of interesting things about her adventure as her super alter-ego-, then the weather, the school blog and the Ladyblog, she found out that nothing interesting was gonna happen except some chemistry competition for a younger class, Alya was going to some super convent in Paris to meet other fans of Ladybug and it was gonna be a very sunny day. She turned off the computer and started packing, Tikki flew to her usual hiding spot inside Marinette's jacket before she went down to the kitchen.

The smell of newly baked bread and cookies reminded her of Tikki and how she usually need cookies to recharge after de-transforming. So she glided towards the baking tray with cookies and filled her purse with a few.

When she got to school she was greeted by a very excited Alya.

"I'm so super excited for the convention! I'm seriously hyped! I'm gonna meet all the fans of my blog and the people who supported me and those who've been making so much amazing artwork and fanfictions with Ladybug!" Alya fangirled. Really much. Sure, it's not everyday you get to go to a convention and get to meet people you'd never think would exist because you think they're too amazing to be true. "And I will hopefully get to meet Ladybug and Cat Noir too!"

Marinette never thought about that part, "Oh! Eh... he he, you're really sure they're gonna be there?" she asked nervously. Sure, she's been interviewed and surrounded by many people before... but a convention!? It's like you're going to a huge trap filled with people who're too curious for their own good and you're the most top secret of all the secrets in the world.

"I don't know, I hope so. I want another interview for the blog and I'm pretty sure some of the amazing peeps wants some autographs and pics." Alya pointed out as they started walking up the stairs and towards the entrance.

As the girls walked to class they kept talking about the convent and Ladybug. But not far away, it was actually just on the other side of the building, a young girl was working on her project. She was gonna participate in the chemistry competition with her research about chemical lights such as electromagnetic radiation.

She was so sure of winning or at least come second or third because she knew some other projects were really good and she thought they'd deserve attention.

"With this technology we might have much better lamps in the future, maybe we can even use the energy as a power source too!" she told a friend who admired the presentation, the girl had some magnesium and other kinds of elements that can create light during a chemical reaction.

A boy not far away spied at the two talking about the girl's project, he was also going to participate but he didn't want to get in third or second place. He wanted to win.

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