The Surprise

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"Ugh, we need more!" Adrien groaned as he placed down his phone, he was in his room and had talked with Nino, "Even if some of the guys from school are willing to provide some money we still don't have enough."

"Maybe you could make a loan?" Plagg asked, "...but you are a pretty rich guy you know."

Adrien sighed, "But if I have to give that much money I'll get in trouble when the bill comes."

"You're gonna get in trouble anyway, you're the one who wants to pay it all but doesn't dare to ask your dad." Plagg pointed out.

"'re right." Adrien closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, "If I'm gonna pay for an operation then I need my father's approval."

It took some time for Adrien to think everything through, his classmates had provided money for the operation but it wasn't enough. He needed a lot more to even afford something that could help her. He needed more contributors or just one who could provide the missing money. He got up and went towards the door. But before he opened it he stopped for a second.

The kwami sighed, "You're really gonna do it, are you?" he asked as he floated to the boy.

Adrien sighed, "I want to. Because if I don't then I'll regret it for the rest of my life." he said, turned to the kwami and let him fly into his usual hiding spot inside his jacket. Then he opened the door.

He went through the quiet hall towards his father's room and stopped in front of the door. He took a deep breath before rising up his fist to lightly knock on the door. It took some time until he heard footsteps coming towards the door. Inside, Adrien felt like panicking, but he didn't want to move. He held his breath as the door opened.

"Adrien? What is it?" Gabriel asked, he seemed serious as usual but Adrien could still find kindness in his father's voice.

"S-sorry if I'm disturbing you, father. But... I really need to talk to you."


"Marinette, are you okay?" Tikki asked.

No sound came from the girl, there was only those quiet breaths through her nose. The kwami floated towards the girl and stopped in front of her trying to get her attention.

"I'm fine, Tikki." she finally said in a tired whisper.

The kwami crossed her arms and stared at the girl, "Marinette, I've been with humans for over five thousand years. I know as well as you do that you won't get far with that answer." she said as she slowly shook her head, "Now, tell me what's wrong." she then said in a more kind voice.

She sighed, "I don't know if I'm doing the right thing, Tikki. I mean, I literally freaked myself out when Adrien was about to talk to me about my crush on him... and I told him to wait with it."

"Yea, you could've gotten your answer there and then and you would probably not be like this now." Tikki pointed out.

Marinette sighed, "But here I am hoping for Cat Noir to show up, and something inside me is... is making me wanna-... t-tell him ho-how I... feel."

Tikki smiled as she floated closer to the girl, "I think you're just longing for romance, Marinette. Teenagers gets that. When people are around your age they get a need, they're longing for someone to love."

The girl groaned, "Ugh, I guess that's why my heart gave up on Adrien and started longing for Cat Noir..."

Tikki nodded, "I think so. It has happened before with other girls." the kwami sighed, "I'm sorry, Marinette-"

"It's not your fault, Tikki. Like you said, my bad luck was surely just a preparation for something really lucky. I mean, maybe... it's best this way." she smiled.

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