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22 | You're Hired

Prompt: Newt hires Reader

Rated: PG

written by: patronewt

A/N: read author's note at end


"You're fired."

Your eyes widen, processing what was just said. You blink a couple times and smile, your boss was clearly joking. Oh that funny, funny man...

"Ahahaha, that a good one," you cry, laughing and patting your boss on the back. He stood there, standing stiff with a firm look on his face. You wipe tears of laughter from your eyes. "You almost got me there, for a second, I-"

"(Y/N)." he says sternly.

You look at him properly and see that his face hasn't changed, his lips in a solid straight line, unwavering. You finally realize that he wasn't kidding. A heavy weight drops in your chest.

"Wait, you're serious?" you start to feel light headed and very, very worried. "Why? What did I do?"

Your boss sighs, shaking his head.

"You are a phenomenally dedicated worker but I don't think that your, umm, personality matches with the all seriousness of the office." he pauses before continuing. "You do get your assignments done but not without causing ruckus and chaos around your co-workers. You are happy and bubbly but some would even go so far to call you annoying and uncoordinated. Heck, you were just laughing because you thought I was joking."

Your heart sinks, did everyone really think of you that way?

"I think...that you have the potential to do amazing things, it's just that here isn't where you will find it."

"But, I need this job. I need the money." you sniffle, tears dangerously threatening to fall. You could barely get along with the money you earned working for the lower class of the Daily Prophet, what were you going to do now?

"I'm sorry and I wish you good luck in the next chapter of your life."


You mutter profanities under your breath as you wave your wand around your small office, the last of your belongings floating into a cardboard box.

Hesitantly, you force down the lid of the box, sealing it shut. You look around the now empty office room, the first and only place you've ever worked.

"Lighten up," you murmur to yourself as you pick up the box to leave the room for the final time. "I'm an optimistic person. Maybe the boss is right, maybe this is a new start. I will find a new job."

On the way out of the building you spit a board covered in random posters and advertisements. You eyes scan them quickly, there were no new job opportunities at all.

Losing hope for the day you start to walk away when something catches your eye.

The corner of a small blue poster was peeping out underneath a couple of the larger ones. You gently dig past them until you get to the one you wanted.

"Help wanted." you read, starting to get excited. "Magizoologist in need of assistance."

You frown, knitting your eyebrows together. A Magizoologist was a person who worked with creatures. Magical creatures. You shudder.

You were never fond of animals and you weren't sure if a job revolving around them would be ideal for you. But you had no choice, this was the only option for now.

IMAGINES | NEWT SCAMANDER X READER [FIN.]Where stories live. Discover now