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Chapter 1 - Truth or Dare?

The spinning arrow finally rest on my direction. It was my turn. I pick truth and one of my secret will get leaked out, and if i picked dare, i just have to do something that is probably against my will. If i have to choose, i choose none.

Eventually i picked truth. Heather and Emma gathered up, probably discussing about their question for me. Though they are my best friend, i couldn't bare having one of my secrets leaked out. They are called secret for a reason which means nobody would not have to know except ourselves.

It took them not long to find the perfect question. I look at Heather and she said it, "Who is your crush, Eve?"

Her question rings in my mind. There has been this boy...

"None." I took a bite of the cookies we made before. I wish we have baked more. "I am currently not searching for love." I lied.

"Oh please, i've seen you smiling in your sleep." Heather said. I raise my eyebrow in confusion since don't get what she's saying. She noticed this and explained, "You usually have someone in mind when you're smiling in your sleep, duh."

"I don't think you're right Heather..." But she is right. There is someone in my mind.

He's in sophomore year while i'm in my junior year. And hell, my school was popular for it's seniority. I couldn't get to know him, moreover talk to him. We met on my first day of high school. He was playing football with his friends when the ball accidentally hit me from across the field. It wasn't him who kicked the ball but he's the one who actually approached me and said sorry. "Are you okay?" was the first sentence that he ever spoke to me. And "My friends and i are so sorry. We really do." was the second. He was all over in sweat but somehow he managed to attracts my attention and looked hot.

"It's that senior Zayn isn't?" Emma asked while munching off her cookies.

My mouth went dry. I stammered. "How did you know?"

"So it is him." She leans back to the sofa as she crosses her arm. "I just see that glint in your eye everytime you saw him."

Is it that obvious?

"Wait, the Zayn Malik? The one in a band with four other good looking boys?" Heather asked.

"One Direction." Emma corrected.

"Harry's in the band too right?" I asked, remembering hearing someone said about it. Apparently the guys just formed the band about two months ago for the upcoming talent school show.

"Yeah, he's the only junior in the band. The other's are in sophomore year while Louis is in his senior year." Emma explained.

"Uh huh sure..." Heather said, looking dazed. She suddenly snapped herself out and turned to look at me. "Eve! What about that senior who got a big scrush on you? What was his name again?"

 I sighed at the question and answer, "Finn."

Emma, who has been munching off her cookies spill it all out at the mention of Finn. "Finn Lloyd!?" She ask in surprise.

Heather replied the question with a wink, "Yep. That one."

Finn Lloyd is also in the same year as Zayn, but in different classes. Last i heard he's in the same class as Niall, the other member of the band. I usually caught Finn and the band going out together which i assume that they might be close. But probably not close enough because i think nobody in the band knew that he has this little crush on  me. Well, maybe a big one because somehow he found out my number and has been texting me this past two months. I didn't dare to ignore it since it wouldn't be polite but i don't want to reply it either. So i usually replied it with short sentences.

"Not to be mean, but that guy barely even has his period."

Emma's right. I don't think Finn has his period yet. He is short for a guy, though he is taller than me. But that's okay because the problem is, his voice sounded like a little girl. There is some chances that he could be hot, if he just trimmed that wavy dark hair of his, gain some weight, and getting worked out. He's skinny as hell.

"Hey Eve, you should use him to introduce yourself to Zayn!" Emma suggest while taking another bite at the cookies. Apparently the mess of cookies from her mouth doesn't stop her to take more.

"Nah, i feel like a bitch that way."

Emma rolled her hazel eyes. "Suit yourself."

"Mmm Finn looks cute enough for me." Heather interrupted. She was dazing off again just like always. She looks like a doll, with her strawberry blonde hair, deep blue eyes, long eyelashes, and striking features. Heather could be the most beautiful girl in the school but sadly, she's a bit of an idiot.

"You said all boys are cute. You even said your grandpa was cute." Emma said in respond. I knew the moment she said grandpa, Emma almost wanted to say my big brother.

"He's still in his early 50's!" Heather exclaimed, feeling annoyed.

The rest of the game ended afterwards after Heather and Emma argue about cute boys. I didn't stand up for anyone in the argument but deep down, I agree with Emma.

But the only thing in my mind is Emma's suggestion about using Finn to get close to Zayn. It could happen easily. I could always flirt a little with him...No. That's just wrong. That's called giving false hopes and only jerks and bitches do that. And i am not one of them.

A new thought occured to me then. If all the seniors knew that Finn has a crush on me, they would probably notice me...including Zayn too!

But then again it would just felt wrong. I might as well sit back and watch how this drama goes.


My first fanfic! sorry for the wrong grammars or vocab....english is not my number 1 language but i hope u understand! enjoy&comments are appreciated :-)

this story is inspired by my own events :-) i do not own anything except my own-made-up characters. the 1D boys are not mine (obviously) how i wish they are...

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