Ch 1 - A Change in the Environment

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-6 Years Before the Straw Hat Pirates Arrive in Skypiea-

Chief Urepo could count on one hand the things that made him nervous. As one of the oldest living members of the Shandia tribe and having fought in many battles, his reputation of being unshakable was something he took great pride in. He had led many warriors straight into the heart of Upper Yard and shed Skypeian blood without hesitation. He had made decisions to retreat many times without a blink of an eye as well as decisions to push through despite their dwindling numbers with equal resolve.

As it happens, the things that made him nervous were all people. One was first and foremost his wife, making their wedding day still an embarrassing story for him to tell. She had been the one and only thing that made him sweat and second guess himself for a very long time.

Maybe he was getting old in age or maybe it could be that this was a sign of changing times but the other two people that gave the chief anxiety only came into his life after he had retired from the battlefield. Unfortunately, the two of them were presently standing before him and both were in foul moods. At least the chief could find slight comfort that only one of them was mad at him.

"You expect me to marry that?!" Urepo's granddaughter demanded. The two strands of hair she had tied near the front of her face swayed violently while the rest of her reddish brown hair was tied into two loose buns. Her matching reddish brown eyes glared right into the chief's while her long, bony finger pointed accusingly at the man at her side.

The end of 22 year old Wyper's cigar was practically chewed clean through with how much his teeth clenched. "That?" he seethed.

"I-It's a fine match, Cassidy," Urepo tried, "And..and it won't be until you are 18 so you have at least two years to get used to it."

Her eyebrows flew to the top of her head. "Get used to it? This isn't a new waver we're talking about here. This is marriage!"

"I'm sure he's familiar with the concept, Sid, given that he's been married longer than any of us have been alive," quipped Kamikiri from the back of the tent.

She spun around and directed her rage towards the peanut gallery. "Shut up, you bug eyed jerk. What are you even doing here anyways? This doesn't concern you."

"Actually, your grandfather called me here. Seeing as I'm your cousin and Wyper's best friend, it's natural that I be present as a witness," Kamakiri grinned.

And peacemaker, Urepo thought.

It was evident how badly Sid was taking the news by how pale her naturally tanned skin became. She looked over at her grandfather. " can't do this to me, old man!"

"Oy!," Wyper snapped, "This is as much of a punishment for me as it is for you."

"Then why are you not protesting along with me?!" Sid demanded.

"Because it makes sense. We are both fine warriors and as the descendant of Cagara, it is natural for my arranged marriage to be with the Chief's granddaughter," Wyper stated and Urepo nodded with both relief and approval. At least Wyper was seeing the reasoning behind it.

However, that argument seemed to only anger his granddaughter even more. She redirected her finger back at Wyper and this time her glare followed too.

"See? This is your problem. Right there!"

Wyper's indignance was replaced with confusion. "What? What are you talking about?"

"The whole descendance thing!" Sid said and then waived her arms around her, "The whole going-along-with-it-just-because-it-is-what-our-ancestors-have-done thing."

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