Ch 20 - A New Routine

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"Ku...Ku...My dear citizens...Today, an end has come to our kingdom...Both our farmlands and our partnership with the World Economic Journal has been destroyed by the hands of pirates."

"Is that really okay?" Sid asked, casting a wayward look over at Law. The both of them were leaning up against the railing of the main deck. They were sailing away on his metallic, orange ship with the king's national broadcast echoing behind them.

Law nodded. "Putting it all on us will ensure they don't have any retaliation from the World Economic Journal. They have strong ties to the World Government so that's why I suggested to the king to pin it on us. It's for the best."

"For the kingdom. Not for you."

"If anything, it'll help my notoriety. You should get used to this kind of send off from now on...It's what happens when you become a pirate."

"I'm not a pirate."

Law chuckled as he continued to listen to the broadcast.

"But even though a light of hope for this kingdom's future has been extinguished...Ku...It is not the end for us. For I believe...I believe that the heart of this kingdom still beats strong. That our most valuable commodity isn't our crops or even the newspapers. No...It is our people. It is all of you."

Sid tilted her head. "His sounds less severe than before."

"Ah," Law said, "I treated him before we left...It turns out King Sadal is asthmatic...And sensitive to moss."


Law smirked. "Which is why I destroyed the fortress, even though the king only requested I take out the factories. That fortress was covered in it. Extremely filthy."

"So he's going to be fine?" Sid asked.

"Better than long as he stays in a clean space from now on."

"Ku...Ku....," the king coughed, "I thought that us forming an alliance with the World Economic Journal would bring us what we needed...But I have realized that no money would be worth the peace and harmony of my people...We might have become a richer kingdom in recent years, but we have not been happier...And...I, for one, would like to think of the pirates' actions as a fortunate accident. It has brought us back to square one. So...let us rebuild this kingdom together. This country that we all love and treasure."


"They're going to be okay, right?" Sid asked as the island shrank from view until it seemed small enough to fit into the palm of her hand, "Iwan...and all of them?"

Law shrugged. "Who knows?"

Sid sighed. The only people who knew the truth besides the pirates and the king were Iwan and the Saruyama Alliance since Sid had explained it to them before she had said her goodbyes. Iwan and Cricket seemed to understand the need for secrecy but she certainly didn't. There was something powerful at play in this world that Sid was not familiar with yet...but that was one of the main reasons why she decided to tag along with the Heart Pirates. Law seemed to know how to navigate through all of this.

"Erm...Captain?" The metal door to the main deck creaked open and Bepo poked his head out with Boo draped right in between his ears, "Everything's all set."

"Thanks. Did you bring that tree down to Buckler?," Law asked

"Yeah. he has it."

"And have the Heads gathered?"

Bepo nodded. "Yep. They're all waiting for you in the Control Room."

"Heads?" Sid asked.

Law walked across the deck and motioned her over with his hand. "Come with me."

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