Ch 2 - A Seed for the Future

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"T...Take what you want...Take anything...Just...Just leave..."

Sid lowered her spear at the pathetic captain. He was on his hands and knees, gasping for air and covered in sweat. Around him, his men were strewn about their ship in the same condition. Sid grinned behind her horned mask and twirled her spear playfully before putting it on her back.

"I'm glad we're finally on the same page," she said as she flipped her mask up and strolled across the deck. She whistled a cheerful tune as she wandered into their galley. She opened up all the cabinets and stood back to examine the contents thoughtfully and in one go. She then selected a few jars and placed them in the cloth bag that hung over her shoulders. When she got everything she could out of the galley, she walked back out to the deck and looked expectantly at the captain, "Weapons?"

"You...You want to take our weapons?!" the captain gasped. He tried to get up to his feet but the thin air of the White Sea got the best of him.

"Not all...Just the best ones," Sid said as she looked around the ship for any signs of weaponry, "Don't worry. I won't take everything. I'm not heartless...Not today, anyways..."

"D...Down in the lower decks..," the captain conceded.

Sid nodded her head. "Thank you kindly."

She didn't even bother to look for a hatch. She leapt up high into the air and stomped right through the floorboards with her waver strapped feet.

"AH!" the captain cried out overhead but Sid paid him no mind. She kept right on whistling as she looked around what was obviously the captain's quarters. She only saw a few things of interest to take from his desk but otherwise left everything untouched.

"Tch," Sid clucked, "Not even a potted plant or anything..."

She sighed and left the room. She found herself in a storage area. "Now we're talking."

She opened up crate after crate in search for something of use.

"Ooh. Shiny," Sid marvelled as she spun two pistols around her finger and then tucked them under her yellow beaded belt. She opened up another crate of bullets and filled the rest of her bag with those. She stopped whistling only when her eyes rested on a few cannonballs tucked behind another crate. Then she shook her head. There was no way she could carry everything she had and the cannonballs, especially since her day of pillaging had just started. Boo would not be happy about that. After all, anything she couldn't carry would wind up on his cloud.

She jumped back up to the upper deck through the hole she created and she nodded her head again to the captain. "Alright. I'm done here. You guys can carry on and go back to wherever the hell you guys came from. Good luck!"

She leapt over the railing and skated away from the ship. When she was just out of earshot, she heard someone cry out.

"CAPTAIN! She took our Eternal Pose!"


"Eternal Pose?" Sid stopped and pulled out an ornate object she had swiped off of the captain's desk. It was translucent and it curved in the middle. It had a wooden top and "Sabaody" etched on the wooden bottom. Inside was a white and red triangle that was suspended by a string and it twitched every now and then. She took it because she thought it looked pretty, "So that's what this is called..."

She shrugged and tucked it back into her bag. She went on her way but she didn't make it very far when she saw a silhouette skating towards her at breakneck speed. When the person got close enough, the sight of his green and red painted mask made her heart fall right down to her stomach.

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