Ch 8 - A Natural Defense

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"What?! How is that possible?!" Sid gasped while Aisa and Pierre stood mouths opened behind her.

The Shandians and the horse-bird hybrid cowered near the wall of a cave that Aisa had directed them to. It was deep in the heart of Upper Yard and nowhere Sid had ever been to. Enel had hid his Divine Soldiers here to work on something and now that something was complete and stood tall in front of them. It was the largest ship Sid had ever seen with shiny, yellow, metallic embellishments. She had tried to keep as quiet as she could when her, Aisa, Pierre, and Luffy entered the cave to find Enel. Sid didn't have much of a plan but she knew it was best to stealth in and try to catch the false god by surprise but one of her companions had other plans.

Luffy had rushed in, demanding Enel to reveal himself. Sid had no choice but to hurriedly push Aisa and Pierre towards the wall, behind a wooden support beam. Instead of attacking, she had to switch priorities to being the protector and wait for an opening for Aisa and Pierre to flee. Boo was currently sleeping in Sid's bag to recuperate but every once in awhile, Sid could hear sounds of soft zapping coming in his direction. At least now she knew where that came from.

Enel revealed his powers to be that of lightning, courtesy of a Devil Fruit, which explained the state of Wyper and the other Blue Sea people. Given that he didn't hold back even with Boo and Aisa, it wasn't a shock that he was more than happy to wield it on Luffy.

Enel engulfed Luffy in a bright, blue bolt of lightning and in that moment, Sid was sure he was a goner. However, Luffy was able to get on the ship without any trouble. Enel had concluded that Luffy had managed to evade his attack but Sid wasn't so sure.

Then, her suspicions were confirmed when Enel launched another bolt of lighting, this time hitting Luffy square on. Again, however, instead of resembling their fallen comrades left at Shandora, Luffy stood tall and practically unscathed. Even Enel, the self-proclaimed god, was completely thrown off and Sid knew, by the look of sheer horror and shock on his face, he was the most surprised by this outcome than anyone else in the cave.

"Ahhhhh!" Luffy roared as he ran straight for Enel and landed a hard kick to the stomach. Enel doubled over in pain, with tears, saliva, and soon blood flying out of his face.

"Ehh?! He was able to kick Enel?!" Aisa shrieked and that sound snapped Sid back to attention.

This is the opening!

"Aisa!" she gasped and turned to face the child. She picked up the child and placed her on Pierre, "Go! Now!"


"Aisa! Focus! The deal was for you to bring us here. That was it. You've done enough. Now go before you get hurt! Take Boo with you too," Sid hissed. She dug into her bag and thrust a still-sleeping Boo into Aisa's arms. Then she clamped her hands on the sides of Pierre's face, "Pierre! Take them back to Shandia. You've been there before with Gan Fall. You know the way. Go. Do not stop for anyone or anything. Do you understand? Don't even listen to Aisa. Get her out of here."

"But Sid-" Aisa started to protest but Sid gave a hard smack on Pierre's butt and sent the horse racing out of the cave. As soon as she couldn't hear anymore hoof beats, she skated towards the ship with her wavers. She jumped over the side and landed right next to Nami, who didn't even react to her sudden arrival. She was too transfixed at her captain and the man he had just taken down.

"Oy," Sid said and gave a light rap to Nami's shoulder with her knuckles, "Why aren't Enel's attacks working?"

"Lightning..." Nami gulped, "Lightning doesn't conduct through rubber. Since Luffy is a rubber seems..." Her voice dropped to an awed whisper. "Luffy is Enel's natural opponent. He is the one and only person in the world Enel's powers won't work against."

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