Ch 18 - A Surprising Acquirement

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There were 37 armored guards surrounding the plaza plus about a dozen more hiding in plain clothes, nestled amongst the citizens. There were four small alleyways they could use as escape routes if necessary. Five if the Shandian could count on whatever that weird power the pirate captain wielded. Six if she rode on Boo and abandoned the others.

These were all important details the Shandian had noticed and kept at the forefront of her mind while she stood behind the pirate captain but what was at the top of it all was the unshakable fact that Law was in control and his presence was formidable when needed.

There were no signs of emotions on his face despite the fact that his own crew member had a gun directed at his skull. He didn't flinch when the murmurings amongst the crowd turned nasty and accusational. He was as solid and steady as a statue. With his cold stare at his crew member and his sword firmly resting on his shoulder, he was starting to resemble one too.

"Bepo," he stated. His even tone managed to slice through the noise and silence the crowd. Whatever he was saying, everyone wanted to hear it, "You okay?"

"C-Captain!" the polar bear wailed, "I didn't do it! They came right to the ship and-and-and-"

"I know. I'm asking if you are okay."

Bepo's lips quivered but he nodded his head. "Yes. I'm okay!"

With that confirmation, Law's eyes slid over to Javier, who instantly took a step back. He may have wanted to face the captain but he certainly was not prepared.

"Release him," Law said.

"Of course I can't!" Javier yelled.

"Why not?"

"D-Don't play dumb with me!" Javier pointed a finger at the captain, "You, pirates, waited until everyone was at the ball so that you could burn down the farmlands and destroy our lives!"

"What's our motive?"

"How would I know?! I'm not a pirate!"

"Good point," Law murmured and then he lifted up his hand, "Room...Shambles."

Within a blink of an eye, the polar bear was suddenly perched on the throne with the crown on his head while the king found himself kneeling before an executioner, who was now Law.

"WHAT?!" Sid gasped when the man in chainmail appeared in front of her. She, along with the rest of the crew, took several steps back away from him out of sheer surprise.

The king doubled over and hacked uncontrollably from the shock. His hands squirmed weakly against the cuffs that pinned his hands to his back.

"King Sadal!" the citizens shouted in horror.

"What are you-" Javier started to protest until Law silenced him with the pull of the gun safety.


"We're pirates," Law said with his eyes staring coldly into Javier's and not even giving any attention to the prone king, "We don't need to sit through a trial or be accountable for crimes we have or have not committed. Bepo, clear the stage."

"What?!" Javier yelled.

Bepo swiftly got out of his chair and he rushed to the other side of the platform, grabbing Javier by the front and back of his ruffled shirt. The king's crown rolled off the platform and onto the street along with the Chief Editor. "Sorry, Captain's orders," the bear said.


The Shandian warrior smoothly stepped to the side to allow the man to fall right onto the cobblestones. Her confused expression was met by the smirk of the pirate captain and he gave a nod towards her and his crew members.

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