Chapter 13

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I teased the strands of fabric on the end of Rin's demon sword as I sat in my room. Yuki and Rin had trusted it with me while they went out shopping after school with the allowance we earned. I was tempted to unsheath it just to mess with Rin, but I didn't know where he was and what he was doing. My little prank could cost him his life. Instead, I practiced chanting barriers and numerous spells.

Believe it or not, this wasn't my first trip to True Cross Academy. As a child, I'd often wake in the middle of the night due to my frequently occurring nightmares. Father Fujimoto would find me in the front yard, practicing my barrier and protection spells. I was so paranoid of my father or Satan himself finding me and taking me back, that'd I practice to make sure me and my adoptive family were safely gaurded.

Fujimoto would take me with him to the Academy on stocking trips. So, even at a young age, I had known Moriyama- although I stick to using her last name in public as a sign of respect. She must not remember us playing together in the garden or her teaching me some of her plant nicknames. I might tell her someday, but I'm unsure of myself.

Either way, my favorite parts of the trips were seeing the Cat Sidhe Kuro, or Father Fujimoto's familiar. He guards the Academy day and night to protect it from intruders. I was able to understand him, being a demon and all, so he enjoyed communicating to me. I would make sure no one could see my tail, which was quite easy in the dark of night, and allow Kuro to play with it. I always wanted to bring him home with us, but Shiro would never allow me. I should check on him soon, too! He'd love it!

(A/n: I came up with all of this on the spot, but I enjoy the little details. Do you?)

"(Name)! We're back!" Rin called to me from downstairs.

I scurried down the stone steps, my tail flicking behind me. I held the Kurikara in my hand as I tumbled clumsily down the steps. The case was still on the sheathed sword, so it didn't fly open.

"Hey guys!" I chirped.

Both males jaws dropped as they stared at me. I looked behind me before pointing at myself. Rin nodded, a small trickle of blood falling from his nose. Yukio cleared his throat, pushed his glasses up, and looked away. I looked down, but found nothing out of place. I was wearing a simple black tang top and some (Favorite Color) shorts.

"What's the matter?" I inquired.

Rin pinched his nose with his index finger and thumb, looking away.

"Y-Yo-u've nev-er w-worn such an o-out-fit before." Yukio stuttered.

"Well, yeah! I could have you two seeing my tail before now. Is there a problem with it? Do I need to change?"

"NO!" Rin coughed. "No, it's fine."

"Okay then." I trailed off. "What'd you two get? I'm starving!"

I leaned against the counter next to Yukio, placing the sword next to me. My tail swished behind me in excitement. Rin's cooking is always the best, and I haven't had it in ages!

"Hey, (Name), where did that scar on your back come from?" Yukio asked.

I subconsciously reached over to touch said scar, which stretched from the small of my back up to my shoulder blade. It was deep, and, at the time I got it, hurt like hell.

"Another reminder of where I come from." I muttered solumely. "Let's not talk about that. Instead, let's eat!" I cheered.

After eating the delicious meal Rin made, which I'm too full to remember the name of, the navy haired male continued to cook. It was terribly dark out and yet he would not stop cooking.

"You know, you don't have to keep cooking." I spoke quietly.

"It's good to cook the meal at night them let it freeze over night, then it'll still be fresh for tomorrow!" Rin said cheerily. "It's a little house-wife tip."

"Alright. I wish you'd spend this much time studying." Yukio commented.

"Shut up, will you?! Got to sleep already!" Rin demanded.

"Whatever you say mom." I giggled.

"Yes Sir." Yukio laughed with me.

I marched up the stairs, Yukio heading up the next flight. He waved to me and sent me a quiet 'Night' before leaving me to my solitude. I snuck into my room and collapsed onto the slightly uncomfortable mattress. Falling asleep was second nature after living with two heavy sleepers for the majority of my life. But, I'm still a little uncomfortable about Yukio pointing out the scar. I shoved the feeling down and allowed myself the pleasure of sleep.


I rubbed my closed eye with my balled up fist, yawning all the while. My tail swished as I walked over to the sink where Yukio was busy washing his face.

"Morning!" I chirped.

Yukio smiled as he dried off his hair and face with a towel. Footsteps pounded roughly on the stone floor in a hurried pase. I yelped and hopped out of the way just in time for an enraged Rin to speed down the hallway.

"You four-eyed mole-face!" Rin screeched.

Yukio's body thumbed across the ground, his glasses still "somehow" intact.

"Who are you calling a four-eyed mole-face?"

"Shut up! I don't care how hungry you were, there's just somethings you shouldn't ever do!"

I snickered at their bickering, only to earn me a glare.


"Don't play dumb!" Rin screeched. "The food that I cooked for our lunch, you ate it all, didn't you?!"

"You know me! I would never do that!" Yukio countered.

"Did you eat it, (Name)?!"

"Dude. Since when do I eat in my sleep?"

"It has to of been one of you two! There's only us three here, and it wasn't me!"

"Well, while you two figure that out, I'm gonna go clean up. Bye."

I scrambled past the bickering twins, only to be yanked back. I flinched in pain and yelped as my tail was tugged. Biting my tounge, I held back a string of strong language.

"Rin. It'd let go, you want to loose your tail." I hissed through my teeth, glaring at him.

Immediately, he released my tail and jumped back. My tail flicked back and forth as I stomped off. That half-demon is driving me mad! I've never mind his teasing and idiotic comments, but touching my tail is the last warning I'll give him. He over steps his boundaries again, and I'm clawing his throat out.

A demon's, even just partial demons', tail is their greatest weakness. They're very sensitive to just about anything, not stimulation though. I can't be turned on my stroking or teasing the fur. That's just disgusting and would be very inconvenient. Gross. No. Eehhh...

I turned the shower head on so that it was on maximum power while removing my pjs. I relished in the wonderful feeling of hot water rushing down my back. My hair stuck itself to my skin as I poured the generic shampoo into my hands. I lathered it into my hair, soap bubbles forming in my hair.

After the relaxing shower, I tied my hair into a towl and around my torso. I sighed in content as I scurried into my room. I felt my soaked tail sag and drip. Growing irritated of the constant tap of the water hitting the tile, I flicked my tail. The stupid fluff on the end of my tail is so inconvenient and serves no purpose! It's stupid.

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A/n: Sorry for the sudden stop. I just want to publish a chapter and end this one. -^-

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