Chapter 4

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I gasped as my eyes shot open. My dream left me in a state of panic. I knew something bad was going to happen, it always does. My (Eye Color) eyes were glazed over and tears blurred my vision. I wiped them off with my hands. I made complete sure that my tail could not be seen through the window before wrapping it tightly around my torso. I grabbed a regular (Favorite Color) colored t-shirt and some knee length blue shorts. I slipped them on over my exposed skin and let out a sigh.

I snuck a quick glance out of the window, but had to so a double take. Rin was outside talking to some white haired kid. I bit my tongue to stop my self from swearing loudly. This white haired kid's trouble.

I darted outside bare foot, rushing after Rin and the strange male. Oh, we are so dead when we get back.


I followed behind the group of guys slowly, hoping not to be detected. This random guy with white hair had a good thirty Coal Tars swarming him.

"...and as for me, I plan on going to True Cross Academy soon. I can't have a bad reputation floating around my head in such a pristine place."

"So, that means you guys are going to the same school as Yukio? Yeah, I can see how that'd be a problem."

"You understand what I'm saying then? Consider this hush money so that news of our little fight yesterday doesn't get out."

"Huh, you're really throwing away your money like that? Keep it, I won't tell anyone."

I watched as Rin turned toward my direction. I gasped quietly and pressed myself further onto the wall. When I looked back, I had to recount the amount of guys there. One was missing.


I yelled as my arms were yanked behind my back harshly. I kicked my legs around, trying to land a hit on my captor. He forced my face into the ground, my head bouncing off of the pavement. I hissed in pain as the guy's hand forced my head further into the ground.

"I'm gonna give back over half the pain you gave me, but to your little girlfriend here instead!"

The white haired kid had sprouted horns, a tail, fangs, and pointed ears. He wasn't some random kid. He's a demon in disquise. I shouted at him to stop as he approached me with a hot rod. One of the kids who held Rin down tried reasoned with the demon on not becoming a criminal. The demon kicked the other kid, approaching me again. The boy holding me down yanked my head up with me hair.

"Now, where would you like me to burn her? Hey nose? Her mouth? How about her eyes?"

"No..." Rin muttered.

The rod got dangerously close to me face, to the point where I could feel the heat on me.

"Stop it! Don't hurt her!"

Rin body ignited into blue flames, shocking both guys into letting us go. I pulled away from the demon too quickly and ended up making contact with the heated rod. I screamed as it hit my cheek the lightest bit. I knew I'd heal quickly, but that doesn't take away the pain and swelling.

Rin averted his eyes from his blue flamed hand and scurried over to me. Everytime a tear slipped over the blistering wound, a searing pain would pulse through my body. Rin reached a hand out toward me, but pulled away when the blue flames nearly touched my skin.

"Those blue flames are a sure sign that you are indeed the scion of Satan! My Prince, my name is Astaroth. Lord Satan has long awaited your arrival."

I bit down on my tongue roughly to focus the pain I felt to another body part where I can handle it at. Blood pooled in the bottom of my mouth as my sharp canines broke the rough tissue of my tongue. I spit out the blood and whipped my mouth with my hand.

Raising myself to my feet, I shook. I lifted my hand and struck Astaroth's face with the palm of my hand. He fell backwards and away from Rin, who still sat on the ground behind me. I towed over the demon and sent him the worst glare I could manage.

"Stay away from him, Satan's underling." I snarled.

Astaroth smirked at me and stood up to tower over my height of (Your Height).

"Ah, so you're Abaddon's sinful daughter. Such a shame he had to have a daughter with the reproach full slut of a goddess, Athena."

"You take that back!"

"But I can't, for I'm only telling you the absolute truth. You're Heaven's Sin, as you are called in Gehenna. You should really visit your mother sometime! Oh, wait, you can't. Can you? Not since your father ripped those pretty little wings right out from-"

Astaroth was cut off as chanting begun behind us. I turned to the voice, recognizing it immediately as Father Fujimoto.

"Evils are in their heart oh Lord. Give them according to their works, and according to the wickedness of their inventions. According to the works of their hands give thou to them: render them to their reward. Thou shalt destroy them and shalt not build them up-"

"Curse those words! Damn you exorcists!" Astaroth shouted. "I'll rip that mouth of yours apart so you can never again speak those cursed words!"

"Blessed be he." Shiro stated calmly.

Astaroth lunged at Shiro, who dodged the demon's advance. He managed to lock Astaroth as he continued to chant.

"Thout shalt perish!"

Shiro stabbed two fingers in Astaroth's direction. A loud scream erupted from his throat as Coal Tars launched themselves out of the possessed body of the kid. The boy collapsed as soon as Astaroth disappeared from his body.

"Are you two alright?" Shiro asked.

I remained quiet, looking down at the concrete ground.

"Never mind me, what is going to happen to that guy?"

"I'm sure he'll come to in a moment."

I listened to my superior explain the circumstances and the going ons. He explained the differences of Assiah and Gehenna, and how they're unable to converge.

"Now that you have awakened, demons of all kinds will be after you. We must hide you before you are found. I'm sure you can see them now."

"Demons? What are you talking about, and what do you mean by awakening?! What the hell am I?"

"Rin, you are not human. You are the son of a demon borne by a human woman. And not just any demon, either." Shiro grabbed both Rin and I by the arms. "The demon of all demons... the offspring of Satan!"

I forced myself to look away from Rin's horrified look, already feeling sick to my stomach. In my own way, I was nauseous at the news. I knew Rin wasn't normal, it was just the way he acted, but I couldn't have guessed in my wildest dreams that he was the son of the Satan. The ruler of the place most normal people refered to as hell, Gehenna. Lovely...


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