Chapter 18

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"Booorrrring~" I groaned, flipping upside down off my bed. 

Erathym was perched above my head. It's talons left deep grooves in the wood as it marked it's territory. I couldn't care less what it did as long as it was happy and healthy. I don't really want to rip the Magic Circle paper, either. It's not like Erathym has any reason to hurt me or to leave. In fact, it's doing a wonderful job entertaining and protecting me while my ankle heals. 

My ankle is healing quite fast. The muscle and skin fibers are binding themselves back together as I lay. I should be completely healed of all injuries by tomorrow, but that doesn't mean I want to lay and do nothing for that entire time! I need to do stuff! We have company over and I know that the twins won't help clean the place or cater to the guests' needs! "Arrggh!" I shouted.

"(Last Name)?" 

Eraythym ruffled it's feathers and kept a piercing gaze on the door as I limped toward it. I smacked the door open with my arm as my other hand grabbed harshly onto the door frame. My ankle throbbed. 

On the other side of the door was Shiemi, a small satchel in her hands. "Ah! (Last Name)! How are you feeling?"

"Could be better, thanks for asking."

"Oh, you're welcome! I- um, I brought some lunch! I was wondering if we could eat together?"

"If you want. Come on in! Make yourself comfortable."

I threw myself onto the bed with a dull thud. Shiemi shyly entered the room and closed the door behind her. She placed herself gently onto the bed and opened up the small bag. Inside the bag was a few American fast food bags I've seen sold at the foreign section of grocery marts. I smiled in joy as I picked up the small, wrapped burger package from McDonalds. I ripped off the paper and scarfed down the delicious treat. 

Sighing in content, I turned toward Shiemi. "Thank you so much for spending your lunch time with me, Moriyama."

"Oh! Just call me Shiemi!"

"Only if you'll call me (Name)." I smiled.

I noticed Shiemi's hands were toying with the bottom of her skirt. I placed my hand on her shoulder gently. "Are you okay, Shiemi?"

"Oh, um... yes, I am. I'm sorry if I'm intruding, but I wanted to ask you something important."

"Go ahead."

"D-Do you... by a-any c-chance... have a c-c-rush on R-Rin?"

"What?" I gaped, stunned. "O-Of course not! How could I have a crush on Rin?! Why would I have a crush on Rin?! That idiot doesn't know what the heck he's doing and isn't charming in the least! Not even his captivating blue eyes could cause me to fall in love with that goofball!"

"Captivating?" Shiemi echoed.


"That's not what I meant! I mean- He's not-"

"It's okay (Name). I get it. You and Rin have always been close. It's only fitting that you'd form a crush on him." She seemed deflated.

"That's not it!" I shouted. "I don't like that idiot!"

"Are you sure, (Name)?"


Shiemi gave me a knowing look and placed her hands on my shoulders. "Answer truthfully; Do you have a crush on Rin?"

"..." I paused. "I... I don't know."

-    -    -

A/n: I decided I'm going to make shorter chapters than I normally would but update more often. This is probably one of the shortest chapters I've written in my life. I'll try to make chapters at least 700-800 words if not more. I just can't do 1,000 anymore and keep with with my update schedule. 

So, you probably haven't noticed, but I went back and edited all of the chapters. I decided to stick to the last-name cultural respect thing most animes have when it comes to school settings. Most characters, such as Bon, Shima, and Kamiki, have their last name in when the reader is thinking as well as when Reader addresses them. The same goes for the character's toward the Reader. That's why most dialogue, when directed toward the Reader have the (Last Name) thingy in it. I hope it's not that big of deal.

Oh! I also am able to keep a pretty normal schedule now. I plan on updating my Schedule Book with May's calendar ((something I've procrastinated on for too long now)) and have another update this month. I'm so happy, too! I've finally over come my writer's block that I've suffered from for months now and am excited to write and update this story again! 

SOrry for the excessively long Author's Note. If you're still reading this then I congratulate you cause I wouldn't have stuck it out this far. Anyhow, have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening and see you next update!! Bye~


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