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The young girl held onto the man's hand with a strong grip. Said girl watched as the small Coal Tars, demonic cat-like flies, flew about in the air. She had recently gained the ability to see these creatures, among many others she has yet to be told the names of.

She had left the burnt building she was dumped by her father merely minutes ago. She was the young daughter of the demon Abaddon and the Goddess Athena. She had little remembrance of her mother, she couldn't even put a face to hee name, but she did know enough. The girl held great pride in her extreme knowledge, gifted to her from her mother.

As the aftermath of the corrupt love of demon and god, she held powers beyond her control. Without the help of Father Fujimoto, she would have been sentence to death. He had found the poor five year old girl crying her eyes out with warped red flames encasing her body. From her tail bone swished a black tail, fur sprouting at the tip that was encased in the flames. Her ears were long and pointed as well as her canines elongated. Once beautiful black and silver wings burst from her back, featherless and wounded.

Father Fujimoto, who had asked the girl to call him Shiro, had taken the girl away from the scene and to his monestary instead. That was after casting a powerful barrier spell to cloak her demonic abilites. The girl soaked up every word the man spoke to her. He told her of his small family, consisting of two twin boys around her age and assistant Exorcists. The girl was overjoyed to meet the two brothers and, perhaps, be part of their family.

When the small girl's bright (eye color) colored eyes meet with the beautiful monestary, a small gasp fell from her mouth. It wasn't terribly huge, but looked perfect for the small family.

Shiro tugged the small girl's hand gently, pulling her with him to the door. The girl began to get self-conscious. She was wearing only a small black t-shirt and some shorts, both of which where filthy and hole-ridden. Her (hair color) hair was thrown in every direction and absolutely unsightly. The girl's (skin color) colored skin was full of deep cut, scrapes, bruises, and had patches of dirt.

'How will they think of me when I look like this? Will they mock me and bully me? Will they reject me from their home and force me onto the streets?!'

She hadn't realized she was crying till a warm hand wiped them away. Her eyes met the kind red eyes of Father Fujimoto, who's face held a kind smile.

"Don't worry, little one, I'm sure Rin and Yukio will adore you!"

"Y-You really th-ink so?"

"I know so, (Name)."

The girl's face beamed with joy at his words, immediately anxious and excited to meet the twins. She began to drag Shiro into the house with a little bounce in her step. Shiro chuckled at her and followed closely behind the girl. (Name) had already tucked her tail into her shirt and had the protective barrier placed over her to seal her powers away. She had more confidence in that moment then she ever had before.

Shiro twisted the key into the lock, pulling the door open with an over exaggerated bow. The young girl giggled and stepped into the well lit room. She was immediately hit by the warmth flowing through the building. It was much different compared to the cold and damp house she stayed in.

"Welcome, (Name). I'll go get Rin and Yukio, you stay here. Alright?"

"Okay, Mr.Shiro."

Shiro shook his head with a smile at the way she addressed him. He messed with her hair, more than it needed, with his hand before leaving. (Name) waited anxiously for Shiro to return. She occupied herself with looking around the place with her eyes only. She didn't know how the inhabitants would feel if she were to just waltz around their home.

A mop of dark blue hair caught her attention as a little boy ran into the room. He skid to a stop in front of her, his eyes wide with curiosity. Not far behind him, Shiro and another boy walked into the room, no where as close to as fast as the blue-haired boy.

With a friendly smile, which allowed (Name) to notice the lack of a tooth, he held his hand out. Never seeing such a greeting before, (Name) didn't know what to do. She looked up to Shiro with wide eyes. Father Fujimoto let out a bark of laughter, only confusing the poor girl further. She knew many customs of humans, after years of watching them through the house windows, but had never encountered a hand shake before.

"What's wrong with her, Shiro? Does she not know what a handshake is?" The little boy asked.

"She's not like us, Rin. She didn't come from a nice home with a family."


The little boy went from sad to happy in seconds alone. He was obviously very energetic from what (Name) could tell.

"Rin, Yukio. I'd like you to meet (Name). She'll be staying with us for a while."

Shiro turned his attention to the quivering little girl.

"(Name). This is Rin," He motioned to the dark blue, vibrant eyed little boy. "And this is Yukio," This time he placed a hand on top of a brown haired, dark blue eyed, glasses wearing, freckle cheeked boy. This boy was hiding behind Shiro's leg. "I'm sure they'd love to show you around, but first, how about we give you a bath? Rin, Yukio? How about you too make the spare room clean for (Name)?"

"Yeah!" Rin yelled enthusiastically.

"Okay, Dad." Yukio said with less enthusiasm.

The two twins ran into the back door next to the confession stand. Shiro turned to (Name), who looked up at him expectantly.

"Let's go get you a shower, shall we?"


Shiro picked up the messy child, who linked her arms around his neck. He bounced her up and down as they walked, gaining a small giggle from the little girl.


(Name) blew a soap bubble off of her nose, watching it pop when the shower's warm water hit it. Shiro gently washed at her hair, rinsing out the many years of dirt and grime sticking to her (hair color) hair. She hummed in satisfaction as his fingers massaged her scalp. They've already had to clear out the water three times from her bath. So, out of frustration, Shiro resorted to a shower instead. (Name's) premature body was already cleaned off and the cuts had already begun to heal slowly.

Her tail sagged in the water, the fur pressed against her skin uncomfortablely. Shiro didn't need to clean it, seeing as how it was clean already. (Name's) old clothes were thrown away, a pair of jean shorts, undergarments, and a (favorite color) colored shirt sat off to side, ready to be worn.

Shiro pressed the shower head off and grabbed a hanging towel from the towel rack. He rubbed at her hair till it was no longer dripping wet. He dried her (skin color) skin that seemed brighter and, obviously, more cleaner. Shiro grabbed the shirt, jeans, and undergarments. (Name) didn't bother questioning him how be obtained them.

Father Fujimoto instructed her on how to hide her tail easily from the others, by wrapping it around her body under her shirt. She slid the shirt on over her chest and tail. (Name) pulled up the underwear and the jeans. Shiro smiled down at the tired girl. She rubbed her eyes with enclosed fists and yawned.

Picking up the small girl, he made his way to her room, which looked clean and prepared. Shiro thanked the boys, who patiently waited for him and the girl to arrive. They wanted to play with her, but let it be when they saw her sleeping away in the bed. They left with a few whines and groans of disapointment.

Shiro shut the door and turned off the lights, leaving the sleeping girl alone. A figure watched from outside her window as she slept, keeping a long ways away.

"Finally, the small child has found them. Now, the fun begins."


That's it for the prologue. If you hadn't realized already, this symbol right here '-' means a Time Skip. Such as this,

Blep blep blurp, blep.


Barsk, Blep, Blurp, Blep.

Other than that, that's it.

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