Oikawa's Party

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"Your turn Makki and Mattsun," Oikawa snickered.

"What the fuck," Makki replied instantly.

"No complaining, it's my birthday so I make the calls around here."

Mattsun rolled his eyes. "It's your birthday, so what? Everyone has one."

"It's the only time I'll ever turn twenty so shut up and do as I say! Tell 'em Iwa-chan!"

Iwa made his appearance after hiding out in the kitchen with Kunimi and Kindaichi. He only peeked his head around the door to say, "Complain all you want, it won't go through his thick skull. Just chill for seven minutes and talk about shit you'd usually talk about."

Makki sighed accepting his fate and the birthday boy's wish. "Let's go Mattsun, I'll show you some top notch memes on my phone." As he was heading to the designated seven minutes in heaven closet, Oikawa snatched his phone from him. The pink haired boy whipped around so fast, giving the mischievous birthday boy a look of pure hatred. "Oikawa, give me my phone back or I will rip off the arm you're holding it with."

"No way!" Oikawa whined. "No phones allowed."

"Since when is that a goddamn rule?"

"Since it's my birthday!"

Mattsun took out his phone from his back pocket and handed it to the former captain. "Makki, let's just get this over with. Oikawa can have his fun, we'll get him back at your birthday party."

"My birthday is too far away, let's do it on Kyoutani's."

"I'm not having a fucking birthday party," Kyoutani growled from the couch he was sharing with Yahaba.

"Well you are now," Makki called over, making sure to stick his tongue out at the mad dog. Kyoutani made sure to flip him off in return. Their exchange was only worth the smug smile it put on Makki's face. This time, without interruptions, the pair safely made it in the closet.

Reluctantly, they stepped inside. As if Oikawa couldn't get more annoying he slammed the closet door shut on them, saying, "Good luck you lovebirds!"

Makki heaved a heavy sigh. "I can't believe this."

Mattsun sat down on the ground. "Trust me, I feel the same way."

"I'm just mad he took away my phone! I wasn't lying when I said I had top-notch memes to show you."

"You can describe them to me?"

"It wouldn't be the same. There was music accompanying some of them."


Makki sat down next to Mattsun searching for a conversation topic. Now that he thought about it, all him and Mattsun talked about was volleyball, the irritating Oikawa, and memes. They never delved into personal subjects. Mattsun found himself stuck in the same rut. Sure, they were close friends, but their relationship was held together by the sole fact they shared a room in college. If they hadn't had to see each other every day and come to Aoba Johsai reunions like this, they would probably slowly stop talking to each other until there was nothing. Mattsun definitely didn't want that. Awkward silence took over as they struggled to come up with a topic.

"Uh, how are classes going?"

"Mattsun, it's summer vacation, we don't have school right now."

"Oh yeah."


"How's your family doing?"

"They're okay."

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