Makki's Party

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It was the day he had been waiting a year for, his birthday. Makki pretended to be asleep as he heard his roommate wake up. He listened as the other boy yawned and rustled through his drawers for clothes. Makki sighed into his pillow the second he heard the bathroom door close. After the incident at Kyoutani's birthday party, the two boys stopped talking to each other. Makki tried acting as if nothing happened at first, but Mattsun ignored him and soon he found himself doing the same.

"Why did you have to confess...," Makki whispered into the pillow. The truth is, Makki did like Mattsun. He liked him a whole lot. However, Makki knew too well that relationships always end. They start out perfect, euphoric even. Yet in the end, someone always falls out of love. Someone always ends up heartbroken. Makki grew up in a single parent household for a majority of his life. His parents were happy in the beginning, but when Makki was seven years old, they started arguing. At first, it was over insignificant things like mom forgot to do the dishes or dad didn't get milk at the store. Over time, the arguing got worse and the topics became bigger. Dad was coming home later than he used to. Mom was drinking too much alcohol. Dad didn't eat dinner with them. Mom stopped making dinner. And then one night, dad never came home. Makki was ten years old.

At first he thought his mom would be happy. She had no reasons to drink anymore. She would start making dinner and they would start a new kind of family. One that only had two people in it, but a happier family than their old broken one. Let's just say that didn't happen. She wasn't the one who fell out of love. She was the one who ended up heartbroken. Makki never saw her without tears dripping down her face, whispering her regrets. After the day his dad left, he realized what relationships really brought. Momentary pleasure. That short time of peace was not worth the destruction it left behind. After watching his mom suffer for so long, he promised to himself that he would never fall in love.

He never expected to break that promise so soon. He met Mattsun his freshman year of high school. It was love at second sight. He first saw him during the opening ceremony where the entire freshman class was there. The curly haired boy sat next to him. They introduced themselves, but never spoke a word after that as they had their own friends and weren't looking to make new ones. The second time he saw him was in the gym where he learned the boy had also joined the volleyball team. He stood tall in his gym shorts and black tank that revealed his toned arms and legs. Makki knew his face was beautiful, but he wasn't expecting such a great body. He watched as the boy made jokes with some of the already existing members. He's funny too? He was perfect. Makki was instantly ready for this boy to become his. However, the nagging thought of his mom sitting at home just staring at a wall for hours stopped him from immediately confessing.

The two began talking and soon they were known to be inseparable; however, Makki made sure to keep his distance. If he got too close, Mattsun would surely notice his feelings. Makki couldn't risk losing such an important person to him, yet he was losing him for a completely different reason. Mattsun understood that they weren't as close as others perceived them to be. Their friendship was barely holding itself together. So when the two were stuck in a closet for the first time, he had no choice but to become closer with his secret admirer. He felt on cloud nine when they began to talk more, but Mattsun had to ruin everything. He had to confess. He just had to confess.

Makki held his breath as he heard the bathroom door creak open. He continued to fake unconsciousness as he heard the other boy pick up something off the floor and walk over to Makki's bed.

"I'm heading out, have a good day at school," Mattsun whispered as he stood mere inches from where Makki had his eyes shut unnaturally tight. He turned to head out the door but suddenly paused. "Oh and this is stupid trying some hypnopaedia shit, but please come home tonight. Don't try to avoid me by sneaking in at midnight. I have something important to tell you. Ah, also... happy birthday." The door to their dorm shut and Makki breathed in relief. I guess I should get ready now.

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