Kyoutani's Party Pt. 1

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"Shhhh, quiet down," the Great King whispered loudly.

    "Shut up Oikawa, he's on his way," Iwaizumi said in an even louder whisper.

    "At this point you two will be yelling, shut the fuck up! He texted me he'll be here soon so don't ruin th-," Yahaba started to say, when the fumbling through keys could be heard from the front door. Immediately all the team members stopped arguing and crouched lower in their hiding spots. The lock was turned and soon the knob, making way for the blonde haired birthday boy to step in.

    "Yahaba? Are you in here?" the boy called out into his parent's house where he was staying for the holidays. "Well of course he isn't, idiot, the lights are all off and the door was locked," he said to himself, taking out his phone to text the boy hiding in the room five feet away. The boys held their position until Kyoutani walked into the room to drop off his stuff like planned. Yahaba gave the signal, which was flipping on all the lights.

    "SURPRISE!" everyone shouted jumping up from where they lied in wait. Kyoutani flinched in fear for only split second.

    "What the hell guys, I said I didn't want a birthday party!" the blonde boy exclaimed, however the smile appearing on his face told a different story.

    "Congratulations on turning nineteen!" Mattsun said, feeling happy for his kouhai.

    "I can't exactly say it's an accomplishment, but happy birthday," Makki said from beside Mattsun. He snickered as Kyoutani pushed him playfully. All the other members took their turn saying happy birthday to the elated delinquent looking boy while Yahaba brought in a cake from the other room. He was so excited, he didn't notice the candles waving violently, threatening to go out at any second. Iwa was the first one to see Yahaba with the cake and yelled to slow down. When the other members heard Iwaizumi shout, they turned to Yahaba and immediately began singing the happy birthday song. Mattsun, Makki, and Yahaba all made it their goal to sing it the loudest and the most obnoxious.

    "Make a wish!" Watari said before Kyoutani blew out the flames.

    "What did you wish for?" Oikawa asked eagerly.

    "Not telling," Kyoutani said with annoyance.

    "Why not?"

    "Because then it won't come true!"

    "Oh my god that's so cute," Yahaba said, getting a kick in the leg as a result. "Hey stop I'll drop the cake!"

    Once the cake was thoroughly devoured, the group broke off into their own groups to chat.

    "Ugh, seeing Kyoutani so happy makes me that much more impatient for my birthday to arrive," Makki complained to Mattsun and Iwaizumi.

    "You only have to wait one more month," Iwa said reassuringly.

    "A month and a week," Mattsun corrected.

    Makki sighed. "That's way too long." As Makki continued to complain about his first world problems, Oikawa made his way over to the group of three. 

    "Hey, you three I have a question for you," Oikawa said, casually placing a hand on Iwaizumi's shoulder.

    Iwa brushed him off before asking, "What is it?"

    Oikawa pouted and let out a, "So mean Iwa-chan!" before continuing. "So I was talking to Kunimi and Kindaichi and those two don't think Kyoutani and Yahaba are dating. However, they're so obvious, they have to be dating! I need your opinion so I can brag to them how I'm right."

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