Chapter 3 - New Years Party Gone Wrong

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Friday's party at McNeil's was three days ago and I still feel hung-over.
After I got to the party, by walking, Harry sped off, angry as can be, once I was out of his sight.
Who cares?
I had a fun night, partying with my friends and spending time with Matt, who was waiting for me outside.
But that's over with, time to move on to the next party.
The New Years Party.
There's obviously age sections and thank god I was not assigned as a chaperone like last year.
I could go into the new year having a great time with my friends.
And a new year of college to look forward to.
Another 3 years of college to look forward to after this one.
At least there are great campus parties to keep in mind.
Moving on.
My friend Stefanie and I were carpooling to the party with Kevin and Josh aka Matt's friends.
I haven't told you a lot about Matt have I?
Matt is one of the guys I've known since middle school and we've always had this "flirtationship" going on but he never wanted to get involved.
But ever since McNeil's Party he's been paying more attention to me.
It's nice but I don't feel anything for him anymore.
I used to have a tiny crush on him and yeah we'd hook up sometimes but nothing serious.
He's a great friend though so yeah, I enjoy his company.
"Are we there yet?" Stefanie complained beside me.
"Not yet but it's down this street, don't worry."
Kevin was right because as we were halfway down the street we could hear loud music and saw the valet with his flash light.
Jeez, Stefanie really wanted to party I guess.
The first chance she got, Stefanie sprinted out of the car and into the venue.
"Always in a hurry." I smile to myself.
"Ivy, you're here."
I walk over to Matt and kiss him on the cheek.
"Great to see you, as always." He smirks.
We all make our way inside, gushing about the new year and all the alcohol in the venue.
I could really go for one of Harry's cigarettes.
Speaking of which, I smelt them as I passed the Adult's Venue.
I find myself wondering if he's here.
Why would he be?
Well he could've brought his girlfriend along or even his boyfriend?
Jeez, I'm really over thinking this.
I guess it's because he pissed me off.

We walk through the door and into the party.
I see Scarlet, Aubrey and Maci scurry over to me.
"Chaaarlooootte!" Maci slurs.
"We'reee so happy you'reee here, happppy Easter!"
They're really drunk aren't they?
"Aubreyyy, it's not Easter, it's Valentine's Daaay." Scarlet giggles.
Not her too!
"Well I guess it's only fair if I get as drunk as you guys too right?" I laughed while walking hand-in-hand with them.
"Hell yesssss!" Maci yells.
"Where's all the shots?"
"Oh, yeah... they only have beer and Smirnoff since the elderly morons who're in the other venue came in here and confiscated it all. Luckily William over there had stocked up on his way here and has a pick-up truck packed with booze." Stefanie explained pointing at William who was waving for her to come over.
"That sucks, thank god for the Smirnoff though, tell William I say thank you!" I yell as Stefanie skips over to William.
I can already see it, knowing Stefanie, she'll probably wake up in his bed tomorrow.

After a while the party is in full swing and I make my way to the venue's terrace for some fresh air.
The entire venue was packed but because of the winter chill, nobody was outside on the terrace.
I stand next to the French style doors and rub my arms for warmth as I gaze into the night sky.
Matt went off with his other friends to party, Stefanie obviously went with William, and the rest of my friends were drunk and I just didn't feel like dealing with their over exaggerated emotions.
When I look at the clock I was surprised to have seen it was already 11:56pm.
Woah, 4 minutes to go, damn.
Everyone makes their way out onto the venue terrace.
Thank god I was already out here and found a spot where I wouldn't get squashed.
I see people stumble and people trying to climb on top of tables and doors, so they could get a good view.
As it switches to 11:58 I feel someone tap my shoulder.
"Wow, I'm surprised to find you here." I scowl.
"Well this is a new years party, couldn't help myself." He grins, taking the bottle of Smirnoff from me.
I try to snatch it back but he waves his finger at me.
"What do you want Harry?"
"Nothing, just came to see what you bunch of teenagers do for the new year."
I fold my arms with a nasty look as he pours the alcohol into a potted plant.
"Did you really need to do that?" I groan throwing my head back.
"No." He chuckles.
"Now that plant's going to die, I hope you're happy, plant killer.
We stand there in silence for a bit.
"So... where's your girlfriend?"
"I don't have a girlfriend." He smirks.
"Oh... where's your boyfriend?" I grin wickedly.
He looks at me like I'm out of my wits.
"I'm not gay, jeez."
"Well I thought because maybe that's why you're always butthurt." I say taking a sip from a Smirnoff Aubrey handed me.
His expression was priceless.
"Oh c'mon that was a great come back, you ain't got anything to top that?" I smirk.
He sweeps a hand through his hair.
And then we hear the 10 second countdown.
I hold his arm and start chanting.
He later on joins in and starts chanting too.
I smile at him and pull him closer.
I turn to Harry and lean in, only to be pushed back.
Oh how bitter of a bitch can rejection be?
I look at him in disbelief before walking away.
As if plenty of others haven't rejected me enough.
"Charlotte!" He yells after me.
"Charlotte, please wait."
I start walking faster until I'm in the parking lot.
He stays quiet in shock.
"What do you want?" I ask, calming down.
"I-I... Why are you angry?"
I take a minute to gain composure.
"You don't have to know."
I wrap my arms around myself and walk towards my parent's car.
I glance back and Harry's still standing on the same spot he stood.
I had made the mistake of thinking he actually liked me and that we had chemistry.
Guess I was wrong, maybe it's all this alcohol getting to me.
When I finally find the car I barely had to wait before my parents showed up.
They were smiling, walking hand in hand, gift bag hanging from each of their free hands.
Looking at me with surprised faces they walk a bit faster.
"Charlotte, why aren't you with your friends?"
"I felt like going home, besides I'm sure I won't miss anything."
"Oh it's alright, now get in before you freeze to death." My father smiles, draping his coat over my shoulders.
"Thanks." I smile, sliding into the backseat.
As we drive away I look back at the beautiful fireworks fading into the night.

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