Chapter 7 - Snow Patrol or Sleeping With Sirens?

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I hear a loud ringing right next to my ear, and when I say ‘right next to’ I mean like it’s physically touching my ear.
And like any sane person, who doesn’t usually wake up the way I just did, I fucking started swinging my arms around hitting anything in existence.
I never knew lamps could talk until this very moment.
“Jesus Christ!” my lamp yelled.
I flopped down on my bed but instead of landing on my bed I bounce off of it and onto the floor.
“What’s going on?” I grumble, confused about my current situation.
I open my eyes and there he is, just hunched over, looking over me.
“Morning sunshine.” He said enthusiastically, rubbing his ribcage.
“Why are you in my room?”
He chuckled and held out a hand for me.
“You overslept and I need to get to work so Kierra was kind enough to let me in.”
“Oh wow, what time is it?” I run my hand through my hair before picking up my phone and checking the time.
He was right, I have overslept.
“Jeez, you’re right.” I say, rushing to get some clothes ready so I can change.
I stumble into the bathroom to grab my brush and a hair tie, place that on my messy bed, run to my closet, grab a pair of jeans and a blue and grey flannel with some normal white sneakers and throw them to my bed.
All while he’s sitting there, on my bed, amused.
I ignore him and pull down my pajama shorts and slip into the jeans.
I usually sleep in a tank top and pj shorts so I kept my white tank top on cause I’m in a rush and can’t bother to change shirts.
Don’t judge me!
I shuffle on the sneakers and run to the bathroom, sports bra in hand.
Sports bra’s are the best.
Once I’m done changing into the sports bra and brushing my teeth I rush back into the bedroom, grab my backpack, toss my phone and books in there and grab my flannel and brush then I drag Harry with me out of the house.
“You could’ve just finished getting ready, I could’ve waited.”
“Nah it’s cool, I was planning on wearing this and not showering anyways.” I chuckle, sarcastically.
He rolls his eyes and smiles.
I get in the back of the car and make myself comfortable while he gets in and speeds down the road.
“Do you always speed?”
“Only when I’m in a hurry which virtually is never.” He shrugs.
I roll my eyes and tie my hair into a high ponytail.
Reaching over the front seats I flick on the stereo and fall back into my seat, happy with the music blaring into the car.
Harry disapprovingly shakes his head and chuckles lightly, making his way onto the highway.
“IF I LAY HERE! IF I JUST LAY HERE! WOULD YOU LIE WITH ME AND JUST FORGET THE WORLD!” I screech, “dancing” along to the music.
Harry abruptly switches the music to another CD.
(Are you sick?
Turn up those motherfucking headphones!
What's the point of ever starting this?
Why even put my heart in it?
You see us as a waste of time
Say you give up now, you're gonna fall behind
No! I just can't stop”
“HEY! I was listening to that.”
I cross my arms, sulking as Sleeping With Sirens plays on about how much they like being loud.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Sleeping With Sirens but that Snow Patrol song is my fav and he’s so mean for changing the CD.
I change to a different song on the cd that I absolutely adore.
“One! Two! Three! Four!
Hubcaps and ashtrays, I was born.
But I wasn’t raised.
The big wheel, the black space.
Tried my best, but wasn’t praised.
Hell is so close to heaven.”
Harry switches back to the Snow Patrol cd.
“How much of a bipolar ass can you be?” I pout and fall back into my seat.
Give Me Strength by Snow Patrol blares through the speaker and I silently tap my foot to the beat.
Texting my friends is the only thing interesting at this moment as Harry has won this round.
But since none of them reply I decide to text Hailee and Grace.
“Charlottie: HEYYYY! I’m bored, on my way to college. Entertain me big sister?!
Hailsss: I’m at work and Gracieeee is asleep, she’s starting work at 2 so I suggest you don’t disturb her… unless you WANT people to die during brain surgery?!
Charlottie: M’kay, I’d rather not, goodluck to the patients tho and poor sleep deprived Gracieee.”
And so I am left with nobody to talk to.
Just splendid.
I reach over and turn up the volume.
“You okay back there? I’ve never seen you this silent.” Bipolar ass asks.
I flick the back of his ear.
He shakes his head, weirded out by the sensation.
Dorian used to torture me this way when we were younger.
“What was that for?” He chuckles.
I shrug and glare at the back of his head.
“We’re almost there, don’t worry, you don’t have to put up with me for long.” He winks at me.
I roll my eyes and plop down onto the other backseat aswell, lifting my legs up into the air and bored-ly sway them side to side.
“Which do you prefer, Snow Patrol or Sleeping With Sirens?”
He stays silent.
I groan and hit my head against the seat multiple times.
“The least you could do is to try and get along ya know.”
“Or I could grin and bear it.”
I sit up and lean between the front seats.
“Hey, I know you hate me and that means we feel mutual but if we’re gonna put up with each other for a year or two then we’d at least have to be acquaintances.”
He groans and turns down the volume.
“I get it, I’m just trying to do you a favor and then get to my job, we can ‘get along’ some other time.”
My face releases the tension it had been building up because of anger.
I feel relieved and sit back with a wide grin on my face.
Maybe I can get some sleep on the way there.

Next thing I know I’m being drug out of the car, panicking because I just got awoken by someone dragging me…
I start kicking and squirming.
I hear groans and mumbles as I start to scream.
“Oh my god, SHUT UP!” Harry yells.
I shuffle out, grabbing my things aswell.
He doesn’t even wait for me to shut the door before he speeds off.

I jog over to my first class and enter just as the bell rings.
Thank you sweet baby Jesus.
The class is virtually filled to the brim with students and my only seating option is the very front seat of the class.
As if the day hasn’t started off crappy now this.
I set up my equipment as the Professor starts to introduce us to today’s lesson.
Scrambling through my bag I sigh in defeat as I realize I must’ve left my pencil case in Harry’s car…
Someone taps on my shoulder, probably noticing my head twitching from anger.
I turn around to look straight at a pencil, crossing my eyes for a second or two.
The owner of said pencil smiles at me with sympathy and urges me to take it.
I smile a shy smile and lightly take the pencil.
I fold my hands together in thanks and return to my notepad as I hear her chuckle at my actions.
What a nice girl.
I’ll have to buy her lunch or something to make up for it.
Throughout the lesson my mind is pestered with the thought of Mr Bipolar Ass who couldn’t wake me like a normal person.
The lesson ends and I’m up to my ears with assignments to complete for the following three weeks.
I try to shove it all in my bag before getting up to exit.
The girl behind me walks ahead and I try my best to catch up.
“Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for the Pencil.” I say with a bright smile on my face.
“Oh, yeah no problem, you can keep it if you want, I’ve got loads of em.”
“Thank you so much, I was late this morning and my ass of a ride kind of just kicked me out of the car and left without even letting me catch my bearings.”
We both burst out laughing at my explanation and walk down towards the library.
“Well anything I can to help.” She grins.
“Oh I’m Charlotte by the way.”
I stick out my hand for her to take and shake.
“I was thinking because you were so nice as to help me in my time of need, maybe I could buy you lunch today.”
“Oh gosh thank you but I really can’t accept, I literally only gave you a pencil.”
She laughs and I just chuckle a bit.
“No really I would’ve been useless for the rest of the day and all my studying would go to hell if it weren’t for this single pencil, so gosh darn’it I’m buying you lunch.”
She bursts out laughing and I snort laugh, oh god, how attractive.
“Well I guess I saved your life then.”
“You have NO idea.”
“Alright, when do you have lunch?”
“After my next lesson actually.”
“Same for me actually.”
“Great, I’ll see you then.”
“Alright, bye Charlotte.
I wave goodbye and walk to one of the library desks and start my assignments.

After my lunch with my first friend in this place I continue my day, anger just consuming my thoughts.
Harry better not be an ass to me when he gets here.
I will not hold back from giving him a piece of my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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