Chapter 6 - Worse Than The Horror Stories

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First day of college.
First time driving to college with a sort-of stranger.
Acquaintance if you must.
And least to say, it is extremely awkward.
Mostly on my part that is.
He demanded I sit in the back because he’s not comfortable with someone in the passenger seat.
So here I am.
Sitting in the middle of the back seat, seatbelt hoisted tightly around my waist and chest.
“You okay back there? You look uncomfortable.”
“Um, I don’t know.” I say looking out the window.
He chuckles.
“Not much of a conversationalist?”
“Nope.” I grin.
“You’re not really making this any less awkward.” He chuckles, scratching the back of his head.
“Well, what am I supposed to do? Start a conversation about how your leather polish smells like cat piss?”
I was telling the truth.
The leather polish indeed did smell like cat piss or perhaps something worse.
“No it doesn’t.” He snorts.
“Oh really?” I ask unhooking the passenger seat headrest before throwing it onto his lap.
The car swerves a bit.
Obviously shocked by the random object that just smacked onto his thighs.
I wonder if that’s ever his thought when he’s drunk and a girl sits on his lap.
“There, smell.”
“Jesus Charlotte, you nearly startled me to death and that’d cause your death as well since I’m driving.”
I cross my arms.
“Well I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head before turning into a gas stop.
“You need anything?” He asks, exiting the vehicle.
“Nope.” I whisper looking the other way.
He pats the roof before walking off to the store.
Huffing, I blow a stray strand of hair resting against my cheek.
I rummage through my backpack for my earphones and a snackbar.
He returns shortly after, now filling the car with gas.
I switch on some Ron Pope and open my snackbar.
I keep an eye on him when suddenly he’s talking with this woman who doesn’t know how the gas pump works.
She looks like one of those gold digging types to say the least.
She's wearing expensive jean shorts and has a shit ton of extensions in her hair.
She is the epitome of cringe.
I instantly don’t like her.
He shows her how as she leans on her car, obviously flirting with him.
Chuckling, I shake my head.
I glance over to his face and it looks like he’s flirting back.
Getting out of the car I tell him I’m quickly going to use the restroom and slightly wave at her.
What he doesn’t know is I’ve got his cigarette pack and lighter.
I’ll just go buy some gum afterwards.
I enter the bathroom just as a few people leave.
Looking across the mirror I admire myself before retrieving my phone from my pocket.
I dial Scarlet’s number, hoping she’ll cure my boredom.
Also wanna find out how her morning’s been, since mine obviously doesn't seem like it's going to work out wonderfully.
The phone rings a few times until she picks up.
“Charlotte! What’s up?” She cheers.
“Nothing much, bored at a gas station. You?”
“Why the hell are you at a gas station?” Scarlet laughs.
“Carpooling with a friend.”
“And who is this friend?”
“Nobody you know.” I chuckle.
“Okay, I’ll bud out.”
I shake my head laughing a bit.
“Well how’s your morning been? All I’ve been doing is sitting in the back seat, staring at my shoes.”
“Not much productive. Packing to drive off to college. I’ll be you in a few hours time.” She laughs.
I kick a pebble and smile.
“Oh god, how long is the drive?”
“Too damn long.” She laughs.
“Gosh, make sure you’ve got good jams or you’re basically just gonna be brain dead all the way there.”
She bursts out into laughter as I chuckle all the while.
“Have fun. I’ve got to go now but I love you and I wish you luck today.”
“Aw, I love you too, bye boo.”
“Byeeeee.” Scarlet says before the line goes dead.
I sigh putting out my cigarette and throwing it in the trash bin.
Walking out I look over at Harry and the gold digger, still flirting.
I scoff before entering the store.
I glare at them through the shop window before paying attention to the selection of gum available.
Picking out my favorite and preparing my wallet I groan.
I pay for my gum and leave, quickly popping in a piece of extra fresh mint gum so nobody can tell I smoke.
Opening the car door I glance at Harry and get in, slamming the car door shut.
Him and the lady talk more for a few minutes until she realizes she’s late for work.
I’m only mad cause I’ll be late if we don’t leave now.
She writes what I assume is her number on a piece of paper and hands it to Harry, making sure to touch his upper arm in the process before getting in her car.
I grunt, shoving my earphones in my ears.
Harry waves before getting in the car.
We drove in silence for the rest of the way.
I was definitely late for my first class and it was all his fault.
He curses under his breath as he probably realizes he’s late as well.
He speeds up and I’m clutching onto my seat and squinting my eyes.
He doesn’t pay attention and just keeps changing lanes and speeding up.
I lift my knees to my face and cover my head with my hands.
My heart beats at a rapid pace as someone’s hooter is blasted.
I cover my ears shaking my head.
It's too overwhelming, he's gonna get us killed!
Unbuckling my seatbelt I grab Harry’s arm to stop him.
“Harry! What are you doing?!” I yell as he effectively slows down the car.
He shrugs me off and exits the freeway.
I fall back on my seat.
I shove all my things in my backpack, getting ready to get the hell out as soon as I can.
Sitting silently in the back I juggle with the notion that he could possibly be a psychopath who likes to scare young girls.
Then I dismiss that thought because I could easily kick his ass.
He drives for a few minutes and finally pulls up to the college.
I swing the door open, my backpack hanging over my shoulder.
As soon as I get out I slam my door shut and press my middle finger against his window and then storm off to class.
God knows I’m late enough.
I hear his car roar as he speeds off.
This has been hell.
Maybe I should just walk home.
Ugh, I’ll figure it out once classes are over.

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