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You were walking back to ream RWBY's dorm to give Ruby some cookies you made for her considering this was your 6 month anniversary you guys started going out. You were excited since it took you weeks to come up with a perfect recipe and with Yang's help in telling you what Ruby's favorite flavor is you came up with the perfect strawberry cookies you had ever made.

You were about to knock at her door when you hear shouts and things falling over you were worry something bad was happening to team RWBY when you were about to rush in you heard the voices more clearly and what you heard shill you to the bones.

"I can't believe you're still stringing him along Ruby this has to stop!" yell Weiss

Stringing along? You thought you started to shake. Holding your head in one of your hands you were trying to convince yourself that you heard wrong or maybe it was a misunderstanding.

"Yeah that has to be it I mean they didn't say she was cheating on me it could be a huge misunderstanding" you shakily said trying to convince yourself, but someone else spoke causing your entire world to shake and shatter.

"You can't keep cheating on him Ruby; (F/N) is a really nice guy and if you were going to cheat on him why did you even bother accepting his confession" Blake Hiss angrily trying to keep herself from tackling her leader out of anger.

Those words......Those damn words. There's no way Blake would joke about those sort of things she views relationships very seriously especially romantic relationships she told you about her past with the White fang and how she found it hard to make friends after she left. Let alone a romantic partner because of her inability to trust people who weren't Faunus. She wasn't racist by any means, but with the Faunus abuse you can't really blame her for her trust issues.

" Ruby I admit (F/N) can be annoying at times even a bit of a goofball when his happy, but to keep cheating on him while he tries to make you the most happiest girl in Vale just....... Isn't right" Said Weiss uncomfortably, but a clear edge to her voice was clearly heard.

You were surprise out all of RWBY the last person you thought that will defend you was Weiss. Ever since you met you weren't on the greatest of terms she was too strict and cold hearted even downright cruel at times, but you do remember that one time you chase after her when she got a call from someone. You and the rest of team RWBY minus Weiss were preparing a surprise party for Weiss' birthday. You were sort of uncomfortable being there since you and Weiss weren't exactly the best of friends, but Ruby invited you and the last thing you wanted was to make your girlfriend sad by not showing up.

So you swallow your dislike for her and decided to get her a present, but since you were unaware about anything she would like and her being the heir to the Schnee fortune you were having a hard time coming up with anything she couldn't buy herself. You struggle to find something until you gave up and ask the girls for help they said that Weiss was a surprisingly easy going about gifts and that she didn't like anything extravagant. Yang said that Weiss always wanted a home cook meal of her favorite foods.

You raise your eyebrow at that simple wish and ask why out of all of the things she could of ask it was something as simple as a home cook meal. The girls awkwardly looked away and refuse to answer. This cause you to be confuse, but you shrug your shoulder and let the matter drop seeing that was probably a private thing she only told her teammates. You then ask them to give you a list of all of Weiss' favorite food and that you will try your best cooking them considering that you are a very good cook and you like the challenge of cooking a feast to someone as picky as Weiss.

After the preparations were finish and you finished cooking you were giving the task of fetching Weiss and getting her back to their dorm. You check the place the girls told you Weiss was in which was the library studying for a test. You went there, but to your worry found nobody you ask the librarian if she saw a girl with white hair and a tiara she told you she walk out to take a call, but never return back to the library.

The Winds of Change (Cheater Ruby Rose x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now