A Rose's Fears and Regrets

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You kept running in the halls without direction in mind you want to get away. Away from Ruby, away from Beacon, away from everything so you can think on what to do. You kept running until you bump into someone and both of you fell to the ground.

"OH COME ON AGAIN!!" you heard someone yell in pain. You look around and saw Jaune next to you rubbing his stomach and the rest of team JNPR looking at you in shock. You curse mentally since you didn't want to talk to anyone especially your friends.

"Dammit (F/N) are you Ok........." Jaune said before trailing off since he notice your tears dripping down and your expression of sorrow etch in your face.

" Hey what's wr......" before he can finish question his question you got up and started running again.

"(F/N) wait" Said Jaune chasing after you, you felt this day what's getting worse and worse why won't people just leave you alone. You want to be alone right now. Need time to think of all that has happen and how close you were about to .......

As you ran you shudder in disgust at how close you came to doing something you couldn't take back, and what scares you the most was how happy you felt when Cardin was in the floor choking and wheezing for his life. The satisfaction you felt and the rush you felt when he was in the floor squirming around like a bug.

You never thought you were the kind of person that would enjoy the suffering of others the type of person that will let power go to their head and commit atrocities. You were becoming the very people you swore to defend the public from are you even worthy of being a huntsman anymore?

Will your team change how they feel about you," No one will ever seriously love you they will only want to use you like me" a condescending female voice ran through your mind. You hid behind a tree wondering when you got outside you saw JNPR ran pass you and you slid down the tree shaking your head in denial.

"No that can't be true things are different I'm different I'm no longer the person I was before" You mumble to yourself," Oh really? So tell me what happen between you and that Ruby girl? didn't she just use you like me?" You shut your eyes and grip your hair

"Why am I thinking of her after all this time?" you though frantically. You know she's wrong there's no way her words are true the......

A picture of Ruby flashes in your mind," Hello there my name is Ruby Rose is that your weapon" you remember a star eyes Ruby asking you.

"Come on (F/N) just ask her she's single and Yang won't kill you since she most likely approves of you. Don't worry I already ask Ruby to meet you by the fountain." You remember Rojo saying to you arranging that situation without your knowledge and in that time you felt both angry and thankful for his push.

"Are you sure you like me? I'm not as hot as Yang, or as pretty as Weiss or as smart as Blake" you remember a blushing Ruby said waving her arms trying to point out her flaws to you.

You push yourself closer to the tree. Before you open your eyes in realization that you don't even know who Ruby cheating on you with, but then you think that maybe that was a good thing during that time you were too angry to think clearly and by the way you acted towards Cardin. You don't want to imagine what you would have done to the guy Ruby cheated on you with.

You clench your fist in anger. You don't feel like letting the asshole that ruin your relationship with Ruby get off scott free, but to figure out his identity you probably have to talk to a member of team RWBY.

You scoff at the mere idea that those girl will talk to you now when you were so close to hurting Ruby. Ruby might tell you but you really don't want to see her more than you already did, Yang will probably murder you for attacking her sister, cheater or no cheater, she's that protective of her. Weiss for all her protesting is Ruby's best friend even if she denies it even if you did help her with her problem you don't know what the heiress will do to you if you go and talk to her, and Blake.....

The Winds of Change (Cheater Ruby Rose x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now