Out of Control

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Blake was huffing in exhaustion, but she made it to Beacon and sees no sign of you. She takes a quick breath before starting to run again. She's relieve that you decided to make this meeting at night since it makes it much easier to navigate Beacon when there's no one around, but she still finds the empty halls unsettling since she feels you're going to show up randomly at any moment.

She finally makes it to JNPR's dorm and hears people talking she quickly knocks at the door. Cursing silently that it's taking them so long to answer. The door is open by a surprise looking Jaune," Hey Blake where have you been? we were about to go looking for you" he said worried, but Blake just push herself forward trying to find Ren.

She opens her eyes in surprise seeing that the rest of her team is there," Blake where have you been?" Said a worry looking Ruby.

"I.....I was....."she hesitated to answer before quickly shaking her head," Sorry, I'll explain later where's Ren?" she said frantically walking over towards the window looking outside seeing if she could spot you.

"I'm right here why?" Ren said coming out of the bathroom giving her a worried look.

Blake quickly looks out the window again," Ren we need to get you to Professor Ozpin quickly before he comes" she said grabbing Ren's hand and trying to drag him out of the room.

"Wait,wait why? Who's he?" said Pyrrha blocking the entrance of the dorm.

"There's no time to explain we need to get him to safety now?" she snaps surprising everyone seeing that Blake doesn't always raises her voice like that.

"Why who's after him?" said Norra missing her usual cheerful tone looking straight at Blake with a look that shocks the Black hair Faunus.

"I......" she hesitated since team JNPR doesn't know about Ruby and Ren the only people that knows about that is team RWBY and (F/N) and she doesn't want anyone else to know considering how fast the rumor about Ruby cheating spread she's worry that everyone will know it was Ren.

"Blake are you keeping secrets again? didn't we promise not to keep anymore secret between us" said Weiss walking towards Blake giving her a sad look.

Blake flinch and starring to think of something anything that will make them move without revealing she told (F/N) about Ren, but she couldn't think of anything and the more times she wastes the closer you were to coming to Beacon.

"I...... toldhimthetruthi'msorry" she said rapidly confusing everyone.

"Wow, Blakey slow down there, breathe and speak slowly" said Yang walking over and giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. Blake tremble for a second before looking at everyone and giving a small nod.

"(F/N).......I told him who Ruby was cheating on him with" said Blake causing everyone to freeze in shock.

" Wait I thought you guys said that Ruby didn't say who it was" said Jaune confuse remembering how Ruby stubbornly denied telling them who it was.

Everyone from team RWBY look away not meeting the eyes of anyone from team JNPR, but from the corner of their eyes they saw Ren going pale.

"We...sort of lied about that" said Weiss uncomfortably, they wanted Ruby to confess herself about the cheating, but (F/N) accidently heard them. Since then Weiss and the rest of the girls felt guilty for not saying anything to (F/N) and let in it continue for as long as it did.

"what, WHY!!" Scream Jaune in anger causing the girls to back up in surprise. Jaune was furious (F/N) was one of the few people who believe in him from the begging helping him with his homework or training when Pyrrha was unavailable or generally giving him advice and encouragement, and to see him the once helpful (F/N) to be reduced to that state that he saw in the hallway before he ran off and unable to do anything about it was a huge blow to Jaune.

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