Armin x Reader smut pt 2

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I ran around the house trying to avoid Hanji "hahahah never gonna catch me!" She charged at me and i climbed ontop of Armins back "i have a meat shield!"

"Agh! Y/N im not a shield!" Armind yelled dropping his drink, i whined "she'll get me if i climb down"

"Come down here you bitch!" I took off my slipper "should i use the chancla on you!" I waved the sandal around threateningly, Hanji stopped and backed away slowly "n-no need for the chancla" she ran over to Mikasa. "Everyone lets get this partay started!" Horse-face said.

~20 minutes later~

Everyone was drunk and speaking nonsense "Ok ok so its Aaarmins tuuurn" Eren said taking another sip of his beer "I dare Armin and Y/N to spend aaaal night in Hanji's guest room alooone" there were 'Oooo's and 'Aaaah's from the girls and dog calls from the boys, Armin stood up almost falling over "Deal!" He picked me up and i laughed drunkily "come on Y/N~" he dragged out the last few letters of my name and carried me to Hanji's guest room, a bright blush spread across my s/c face as he dropped me on the bed "L-listen Y/N i like You a lot~ s-so i want you to be mineee" he whined and layed down next to me "Armin of course ill be yours~ hahaha" we both were a laughing mess and once we stopped he gave me a confused look "Soooo what nowww"

"Hmmm...we fuck?" I started laughing and fell into Armins chest "s-sorry" i tried to sit upward but i felt his arms wrap around me and held me close "Y/N..." his voice was serious "yes?" I looked up into his blue eyes with a slight sign of fear but mostly curiosity "i...I've had feelings for you for the longest time and...i want you to be mine...will you?" I could feel my heart leap out of my chest

Armins POV:
I felt sick to my stomach, it was definitely the alcohol, i was about to say something but i was interupted by her lips pressing against mine, i returned the action and layed her down on her back, my hands at her sides. We fought for dominance and i obviously won letting my tounge explore her mouth my hands went elsewhere.

Thats part 2 for anyone who was excited for this. Also sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger, The actual smut will be coming out today later on after i get out of school, i hop you enjoyed this chapter comment and vote

~Izyumi_Senpai ~

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