Armin x Male!Reader

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After I post this chapter I'll see if you guys want it to continue as smut or if I should continue it at all

Third Person.
Y/N was walking around the mall with Mikasa and Sasha, y/n had trouble making male friends so he was friends with almost every girl in school "OMG Y/N THERE'S A SALE IN HOT TOPIC!" Mikasa yelled and dashed over to the store, y/n was already there "WAY AHEAD OF YOU" he yelled and walked into the store examining the T-shirts and sweaters "Melanie Martinez or Steven Universe?" He asked picking up two sweaters. Mikasa stood there in a jack skelington dress that she had just put on "Melanie duh" she responded and twirled around "dress or suit?" She asked holding up the suit with the same pattern "suit, dresses are obviously not your thing"
"ARE YOU SAYING I DONT LOOK GOOD IN DRESSES!!" she barked at him and crossed her arms "you have hairy man legs"
"THATS CAUSE I SHAVE!" they both stared at each other and burst out into laughter. He didn't know exactly why he was laughing but he didn't care "I'm gonna buy both" she said through small giggles while walking into the changing rooms

Y/N scanned the walls for anything else he needed before paying for his things and waiting for Mikasa to exit the store. Whole waiting be noticed a group of guys on of them with blond hair and blue eyes "Armin? No way no way" he could feel the heat rush to his cheeks tinting them a slight red color "dude go talk to him" Mikasa said suddenly appearing next to him "Gah! Shit don't do that!"

"I'm not a ghost"

"You sure do creep like one"

"IM GONNA MAKE YOU SEE A GHOST!" she yelled before chasing you down towards the guys "MIKASA IM SORRY DONT KILL ME!" he screamed before she tackled him to the ground grabbing a fistfull of his hair "this is what happens when you call me a ghost!" She barked and tugged on his hair. Y/N felt more happiness than pain, Mikasa and him have been friends for a while and things like this happen a lot.

While Y/N and Mikasa where "fighting" Armin and his friends where watching them a small smile forming on Armin's lips "Cat fight!" Jean yelled "ten bucks says the girl with the F/C hair wins!" Marco says holding up a ten "I bet on Mikasa!" Eren said laughing. Y/N and Mikasa both stare up at them "what?" They said in unison

"Aww it ended" Jean whined "did you just call Y/N a girl?" Mikasa said standing up and helping Y/N up, his hair was pretty long he had a mullet and got confused for being a girl a lot "Y/N? Is that you?" Armin asked walking over to him "hm? O-oh hey Armin i-i uh...yea it's me" 

"Hey how have you been?"

"I-i uhm...b-been in the store with M-mikasa"

"He wore a dress!" Mikasa yelled and  "MIKASA IM GONNA KILL YOU"

~oof time skip to after the mall because meme~

Y/N walked too his house and stopped to pet his dog "she left you outside again..." He unleashed the small Husky and held her in his arms "Y/N?" He turned around to see Armin "y-yea hey"

Y/N invited Armin inside and they sat down on his bed "you're dog is really cute" he blushed and smiled "t-thanks"

"Hey can you hold something for me"

"Yea sure what is it"

"My hand~' he smiled and put his hand in y/n's

"You did not just say that"

"Oh yes I did"

"I hate you"

"Love you too n/n"

For the rest of the night they laughed told shitty pick up lines and watched bad horror movies all night long

And the award for the worst chapter goes to IZYUMI SENPAI

again very sorry this too so long to come out school and shit making my head spin sorry

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