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After 2 hours, I finally got home.
I found three Lily's tied with a string and a letter attached to it. I brought the flowers closer to my nose to smell the sweet scent in the middle. They are beautiful.

I went inside to find Alec standing in the kitchen with Alfie.
"Hey! Look who's home," Alfie shouted from the kitchen, throwing his hands in the air.
"Hi," Alec came in for a hug.
He stepped back and folded his arms.
"Who are the flowers from?"
I took my eyes off the flowers and looked at Alec.
"Wait, they're not from you?" I bit my lip nervously.

Alec, going from a straight face, burst out with laughter.
"Yes, they are from me. I just wanted to see your reaction," he playfully hit my arm.
"Ha ha Alec, so funny," I bit my lip harder and stormed upstairs. I have the habit of biting into my lip when I'm upset or nervous. I guess it calms me down, a little.

Alec glared at Alfie who was eating a slice of pizza. Alfie raised his eyebrows, "Well someone's not getting any tonight."
Alec sighed and slowly walked upstairs.

He softly knocked on the door, "Violet, can I come in."
Lying on my bed I nod, forgetting that he can't see me.
Alec opens the door and closes it behind him. He walks up to my bed and sits down, putting his hand on my ankle.
"I'm sorry if I—"
"It was not you, I've just had a shitty day and I took it out on you. I should be the one apologizing," I say still facing the opposite way from where he is sitting.

Alec stands up and pushes in next to me, putting his warm arm around my cold waist.
"Have I mentioned how hot you look in our school uniform?" Looking down I realize that I still haven't changed.
I smile.
"Don't make me laugh."
Alec comes closer and rests his chin on the top of my head.
"Now, tell me all about your shitty day," he kisses the top of my head.

"I think I want to become a teacher," I let out, in a sigh.
"Well, I've been doing a lot of thinking and I think I would be a really good teacher. Like, I'm really good at complaining about everything, so being a teacher would fit me perfectly," I turn around and face Alec who is laughing. He looks so cute when he laughs: his dimple comes out and he crinkles his nose— I melt, every time.
"Ah!" I sigh frustratedly. "Why are you so perfect?" I say putting my head in Alec's chest. His smell is so comforting.
"What are you talking about, I'm not—"
"Like, why do you like me?" I pause.
"I mean like why—"
"Violet. Why are you even asking me this?" He looks at me, removing my dark brunette hair from my face.
"You are honestly the most beautiful person I have ever met- inside and out. Your jokes might be lame, but you still never fail to make me laugh. Violet. When you look at me with those big , emerald green eyes of yours- I feel at home. I feel like I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, but right here with no one else, but you." He held me tighter and I buried my face into his chest, the tears stinging my cheeks.

He gently lifted my head.
"Why are you crying?" He gently wiped away my tears.
"Because I have someone like you in my life and I couldn't be happier."

He leaned in and kissed me softly.
"Wait, have you read the letter?"
I looked at him and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
"I'll be right back." I jumped up and grabbed the letter from my desk. I shuffled back in under the covers and handed the letter to him.
"Read it to me."
He smiled and put his hands through his curly, brown hair.
After a long moment of silence, he started to read:

"A violet grows in the field of my dream
More beautiful than all I have seen
A weight has been lifted from my chest
Like a miracle I got to rest

Violet you flipped me upside down
No longer am I able to frown
You make me happy for you set me free
For in your arms I long to be

I had a thought and I'm letting it out
Like a little bit of water out a spout
Here is a piece of wonder let it grow
Here is the few words you need to know

You are my smiles and happy mood
You make it better to be good
I love you, Violet and I always will
For the hole in my heart only you can fill"

The tears came flowing down my cheeks again as I stared at him in awe.

I felt his arm wrap around me and pull me on top of him. I looked into his dark, kind eyes and pressed my forehead against his.

"I love you too."

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