Spying on Caboose

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A/N: Omg. Sorry I havent updated. I've been really busy and had writers block. Again. Sorry! hOnK! :o)


Church's POV.-

I waited the next day for Caboose to wake up so I watched tv while I waited. Something was up and I was going to get to the bottom of it. I leave without his helmet, again. After a few seconds, I went up to the roof and watched Caboose through the scope of my sniper riffle. I saw Caboose go up into the cliffs and glared. 'I knew he was lying! He isnt a very good liar anyway.' I thought to myself. I keep watching and Caboose was with..Donut?! Why would Caboose be with the enemy?! I keep watching but I dropped my sniper riffle on the ground soon afterwards. I saw them kiss! "Thats it. Im stopping this now." I picked up my sniper riffle and put it on my back then walked off the roof and towards the cliffs.

Caboose's POV.-

I smiled as I kissed Donut lovingly, pulling away soon after. "I love you." I said to him as I cuddled close to him while sitting on the cliff. "I love you too." Donut replied smiling and laying his head on my shoulder making me smile more. Both our smiles quickly faded when we heard the sound of footsteps. We looked around trying to find out who was coming but I was suddenly picked up by someone causing Donut to fall onto his side. "Caboose you are in so much fucking trouble that its not even funny." I reconized that voice and I knew it was my one and only best friend Church. My eyes widen as I glanced back at him and replied in a shakey voice. "C-Church. W-What are you doing h-here?" "I was just about to ask you the same question. What are you doing here? With a red? Who is our enemy that we are suppose to me fighting." He questioned me. "Oh, I..uh..um..." I couldn't find the right word to talks so I was just stuttering like an idiot. Church put me down and grabbed my arm. "We are going back to base and you are not going to be aloud out for a long time." Church told me as he began to drag me back to base. I looked back at Donut with tears starting to form in my eyes. He was facing away from me and I could tell he was crying because I was able to hear the quiet sobs coming from the pink soldier. Tears began to stream down my cheeks as I lost sight of Donut when I went down the cliffside and into my base. Church put me in my room, closed the door and locked it behind him when he left me alone in my room. I took off my armor putting it in a small pile in the middle of my room. I was now just wearing my grey sweatpants and Blue Army t-shirt. I sighed and layed down on my bed. More tears began to pour out from my eyes as I layed there crying with no one to comfort me. For the rest of the never ending day, I layed on my bed crying until I eventually cried myself to sleep.

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