The House

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      The whole car ride back to the house Elton and I were singing if you could even call it that. So basically we were screaming and getting judge full looks.
       When we got there there was a sign across the gate that said "WELCOME HOME". Then the big surprise was inside. I have my own merch (insert the name of your merch). Everyone was wearing my merch. And that's not all. Sam and Colby were telling me that there isn't enough rooms yet so I have to share a room with Colby. I was trying so hard not to freak out.
         Colby said "Are you ok with that. Cause if not you could sleep in the basement. That kind of sounds mean but I swear it's actually nice down there." "I'll take the basement. I like dark places. Am I aloud to have a pet?" "Yes" Sam said "What kind of pet do you want?" Colby asked "Tarantula" (sorry if your scared of them or don't like them but that's Wut were rolling with) "WHAT?!" Everybody in the house screamed. "How can a little boy/girl (cuz I'm not sexist boy or girl u pick) want a tarantula as freaking PET?" Corey asked. "Because he/she loves the creepiest animals." Elton said. "How do you know that?" Colby asked with a tint of jealousy in his voice. "Me and Y/N have been friends for basically ever. "Okay fare enough" Colby said. "Are you jealous?" I said teasingly "Wh..wh..What no" He said stuttering.
      "I'm glad I can have a pet because I already have a tarantula and his name is Astro" I said proudly.

Authors note
Okay I swear Colby's POV will come in but just for the next chapter or two it will be yours. And the next chapter is the biggest surprise of your life🙂🙃
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        Lil 'o' me OUT ✌🏽 PEACE

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