Blushing A LOT

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       I went to put my stuff in Colby's room. I got to the door and assumed he wasn't in there. I assumed wrong. He was going through his cloths looking for something to wear. He was only in his boxers. OH GOD I'm blushing sooo much. He looked over at me and also blushed.

      I ran out of the room and slammed the door. Arron looked at me weird.

   "What's wrong with you." He said. "Umm I just saw Colby in just boxers." I said. "Oh. Wow. That had to be awkward." "It was." Then Arron went down stairs.

     Colby came out of room and said. "Hey...... Ummm I'm ummmm sorry f-for that." " It's ok I just need to put my stuff in your room. Is that ok." "Y-yeah that's fine." Colby said stuttering nervously

      I went to bed early cuz I was super tired. Colby thought I was asleep so he took of his shirt and shorts and went to lay next to me. He won't let me sleep on the floor. He was on his phone I turned around he looked at me and noticed j was awake he and I turned cheery red cause he wasn't under the covers so yeah.


Sorry this is short but it's better than nothing right I swear I'll post more but it's hard to I get distracted really easily. Not an excuse I swear

Potato OUT

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