Truth or Dare

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Colby's POV
      So Y/N saw me in my boxers and her (ok sorry if your a guy and reading this but it makes more sense if it's a girl for future chapters but if ur a guy then just change it) and I sleep in the same bed. But I don't I can't explain it I feel like I've known her forever. It's cheesy but true.

       I got a text from Sam.
  Text convo
S come home. we're gonna play t or d
C  dude I'm in my room
S oh well come downstairs
C u couldn't have come up to my room
S nope now get ur ass down here before  we doggy pile u
C ok ok don't be so vilolant
  End of convo

     I got downstairs and the game began.

      Y/N went first she ask Sam truth or dare. "Truth." "Mwahahahahah. I was hoping you were going say that. Have you ever wanted to kiss Colby is so when?" "Oh god. Umm I did and it was in high school during lunch. But that didn't happen." "Ahhhhh SOLBY is real!!!!!" Y/N And Kat screamed. "Corey truth or dare." Sam ask "Dare" "I dare you to kiss Y/N for five seconds." "Ok".
That made me so so mad. I wanted to punch him and so did Devan.  "Y/n truth or dare" asked Corey. "Dare" "Now don't get mad at me Devan I'm trying to make this interesting. I dare you to take of you bra." "I'm not wearing one" "oh well then kiss Colby for 10 seconds." "Ok"
~~~time skip past the game and into Le NIGhT~~~ DUN DUN DUhNnnnnnn

Ha I left you on a cliffhanger kinda. But anyways sorry I haven't updated in a while but yeah I don't got an excuse this time

Potato OUT

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