twenty three

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+Biana woke up, feeling refreshed. Fitz and Sophie had gone on a not date date last night, and Biana predicted they'd be dating within the next few weeks. Keefe was suppose to meet her for breakfast in Atlantis, and they would do a little window shopping before she babysat the triplets while Dex ran Slurps n' Burps for his dad, who was currently sick. Aside from the whole Kesler catching a virus thing, all was right in the world.

Cheerfully, she climbed out of bed and put on her favorite light pink tea dress before carefully doing her makeup as well as selecting her jewelry for the day. When she finished, she skipped down the hall, heels in hand, ready to start the day when Fitz stopped her, looking distressed.

Biana was fairly surprised to see his hair a mess, and his eyes slightly red, as if he had barely slept. "I need to tell you something, it's really important," Fitz's voice rasped a bit, like he had been crying, "it's about Keefe?"

Her stomach dropped a little, "What is it?"

"So when Sophie and I went out to Moonglade last night, Sophie saw Squall talking to Tam and Linh. She overheard them say that Keefe was a member of the Neverseen."

That was ridiculous, they were dating, she would have known, right? "She must have misheard them, Keefe would never-"

"I know," her brother cut her off, "I didn't want to believe it either, but it makes sense. He was so angry and distant for a while, then he's suddenly back to normal?"

"Why would Squall tell Tam and Linh and not you and Sophie?" She questioned, getting annoyed for some reason. "Sophie is literally their greatest accomplishment."

"The Black Swan wanted spies of their own in our group, protecting Sophie. Besides, neither of them are close to Keefe or Marella."

Biana shuddered at her attacker's name next to her boyfriend's, "How do you know it was Squall and not some member of the Neverseen?"

"It's pretty hard to miss an ice lady lit by Balefire."

"Well, how do you know they said Keefe?" She asked defensively, "'Keefe' is really close to Keith or Wreath!"

"Wait... you don't believe me?" Fitz asked in surprise, his face slowly paling.

"Of course I don't! Fitz, we've known Keefe for years. He wouldn't do that to us, he couldn't," she said with full confidence, her fists balling at her sides.

"I didn't believe it at first either, but Biana, don't you remember what he did to us and Sophie? If he could do that, he could join the Neverseen without batting an eye."

She threw her hands up in the air, raising her voice "He was going through a tough time!"

"And so he took it out on us?" Fitz asked, raising his voice even louder than she had, "The Keefe I grew up with would never have done that!"

"He's still the same! Fitz, I'm his girlfriend, I should know," she tried to soften her voice, not wanting this to blow out of proportion.

It didn't work, "Yeah? And he treats you like crap! It's obvious that a part of him still likes Sophie!"

She gasped, and scowled, "You don't know anything about us! And if some of him still likes her, it'll fade away eventually. She broke his heart! That takes time to get over! Look, I know you're hyper-protective of your crush, but you don't need to take it out on my relationship."

"This isn't about my feelings for Sophie, this is about Keefe being a total jerk, then asking you out and suddenly changing!" Fitz roared. It had probably been a mistake to bring Sophie into this.

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