Tatooine- Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Star Wars.


Evony June Bloodborne, age 25, sat in the bar of the local Cantina. She sat in the back so that she had the perfect viewpoint of the whole bar. She rested her feet on the table as she puffed out some smoke. A cloak that was one size too large, draped over her figure. The hood covered her face, allowing her to scan the room unnoticed to the jammed packed room. Music was blaring and Death Stick dealers made their rounds to sell to some poor soul. Evony's blue black eyes watched each individual with such hate, it was clear that she was not one to reckon with.

 A man who was too drunk to stand, made his way to the loan hooded figure in the back of the Cantina, her. A male Corellian to be of correct nature. They were already known for being heavy drinkers. The man slouched over and sat on the table before her. She had no clue if this man had figured out that she was a female, or if he was looking to get laid one way or another.

"Hey...there." The man swayed slightly from side to side as his intoxicated mind drove, much like the Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) did to her at times. She didn't dare utter a word to the man before her. It would only hurt his lack of pride if she had to whip the floor with his ass.

"I'm...talking to you! So speak up!" It was annoying enough that Evony was stranded on this desert, she didn't want to cause anymore problems that what had already occurred. Instead of interacting with the man in a verbal fight, she simply drew out her blaster pistol, and rested it in her lap, visible to the drunk Corellian.

"Whoa, easy cowboy. Do you really think that a tiny blaster like that can scare me? You are mistaken. It takes a lot more than a blaster to scare me. I have the highest pain tolerance in the Galaxy." That was it. Evony was feed up with this man, even if he was drunk, she didn't care anymore.

"Look pal, I'm not in the mood to deal with a drunk who talks nothing but Bantha Fodder. Now get lost or I will kill you." It became quite in the Cantina as the two held a stare down. The blaster was now pointed at the stomach of the drunk and didn't make any movements to shift away from the current target.

"Ha as if a litt-" a bar stool was smashed over the drunks head. The Cantian was still quite until another in the room screamed at the top of their lungs the one thing everyone was waiting for.



After sometime, the bar was back to normal if you could even call it that. The man who was trying to get laid, was passes out with several broken fingers, ribs, and no more pride left in his body. Evony may or may not have been the one who caused the Corellian the greatest discomfort of his entire being. With a smirk on her face and a new cigaret lighted, Evony resumes her previous stature. Feet proped up on the table and her doing nothing but watching and listing to the local music. Unfortunately, the Cantian was sent into it's second round of "Eventfulness" that very night. The familiar chatter and music came to an abrupt stop and not a soul breathed as three Imperial Soldiers entered the Cantina.

"Alright, we know of the Death Stick dealers and Resident members are in here. Come forth now and we will not use force." The mechanical voice of the first trooper spoke to the crowded place. It was extremely quiet for what seemed an eternity. Evony slowly situated herself so that she could make a run for it if there was a need for her to. There was no way in hell were she ever going back to that hellish of a place. At first, not one person came forth but after a few whispers were exchanged for one to another, one stepped up. That one was soon followed by another, and another, and another. Soon there were a total of four Death Stick dealers before the group.

"Thank you for your corruption. Now as it seems no Resistant members have came forth. You know the drill, I.D checks." The same male spoke again, only causing Evony to now stand and keep her head low. Creeping along the wall and sticking to the shadows, she made her way to the entrance of the bar. Upon being a few feet from the entrance, her cover was blown by the one of the civilians.

"Troopers look, a member is sneaking aw-" Evony quickly shot the tattletale in the head and shoved her way through the last obstacles in her way. The people tried to hold her back only for them to have her slip out of their grasps. The rings of red that surrounded her irises quickly glowed and when she had blinked, they were a blood red. Having no time to spare, Evony entered onto the streets of town only to be greeted by another Imperial Solidor. There was a few minute stand-off between the two before the troopers form inside shouted at the one before her.

"Stop them! It's a Rebel!" wasting no time, Evony bolted for the market square to try and lose them there. Little to her knowing that there were another three troopers already in the town square.

Upon reaching the square of the market, there was quite the ruckus following her and the other troopers that were hot on her tail. Evony began to have a splitting headache, the A.I. He would usually just wait for her to sleep before trying to attempt such a thing.

"What the hell was this A.I. planning now? " Her vision started to double cross and she shook her head. As she did so, she was being surrounded by the now six Imperial Troopers.

"Stand down and no harm will be done to you." A new voice spoke up and it only enraged Evony to the point she drew her blaster pistol and combat knife.
"Careful, they are armed!" A trooper from her right shouted out to the others and they all released their safety locks on their blasters.
"I won't tell you again, STAND. DOWN!" The same trooper from before seemed to take a few steps her way. Her eyes snapped at his direction and she raised her pistol at him.

"Get the hell back." Evony's cold voice seemed to place the whole situation on more edge than what it already was. Two more troopers seemed to slowly make their ways at her. Glaring and quickly turning on her heel in a 360 degrees spin, she confirmed that she was indeed surrounded. Each of the troopers wore similar armor, but there were unique in the way colors accented to the basic black. She let out a low growl and had to come up with a plan, and fast. Her eyes drifted to the trooper behind her. He was just a few inches taller than her, somewhere between 5'7 and 5'9. He had the standard black imperial armor, but held faded blue detailed on it. It was risky but she was willing to take it if it meant she was home free.

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