Sunday (adoption day)

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*yawns* Another crappy day of this place I call home, can't wait (note the sarcasm). I checked the time and it was 6:30 *stretches* I wonder why I woke up so early? As I got out from under the covers I wondered......When will be the day I get adopted? I just then realized that it was Sunday, the day we are all lined up youngest to oldest hoping we were going to get adopted. I got dressed in a f/c shirt, black jeans, and f/c high tops, I then brushed out my h/l h/c hair and brushed my pearly white teeth. I decided to add just a little bit of makeup in case of a family coming in willing to adopt me. I rushed downstairs with the rest of the boys and girls and got into my place of the line. Mrs.Hanley walked past us back n forth telling us what and what not to do if a family came into to take one of us. Her brown locks of hair curled into wonderful tight curly strands where draped over her shoulder as she walked. Once she finished a young couple that looked like they were in their late twenties walked in with two really adorable little children. They looked at all of us and walked towards me, I gulped and thought "hmm they are a gorgeous, family wait are they walking towards me?!?!" They young woman came up and introduced herself to me. "Hello cutie I'm Jessica what's your name and how old are you?" "I-I'm y/n I'm 7" I stuttered.
"Nice to meet you y/n I'm going to go talk to my husband and Mrs. Hanley ok?" "Yeah that sounds great." Jessica walked back over to Mrs.Hanley and who I'm assuming are her husband and children, they started talking and Jessica pointed towards me, Mrs. Hanley nodded then handed Jessica paper work. She signed it and walked towards me, "Hey hun would you like to come home with us?" I smiled. "Yes I'd love to!" I yelled in excitement. I ran up to my room and packed everything I had. I headed downstairs and out the door with my new family.

An: Thanks for reading My New Life I hope you enjoy the book so far :))
~ *•Wolf_Pup•*

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