Chapter Seventeen

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"Not oops! Why did she go back?"

He sighs. "To live her dream. And I support her. But she's okay, Adam. Let her live the dream."

I stay silent for a few seconds. "No."


"You're going to visit her, right?"


"Then I'm going with you."


I cut him off, "I don't care if she wants to see me or not, I'm going. End of story."

He puts his hands up, surrendering. "Fine. You won. But don't say I tried to warn you."

I smirk. "Good. Now, let me go pack and get a plane ticket."
A few hours later
We finally sit down, in the back of the plane. Many people were gaping at the sight of us. And many young girls were freaking out, probably hoping for us to kiss. Not gonna happen, ladies. Sorry.


I look at him. "Why?"

"You get to see your daughter and chick for the first time in three weeks."

"Chick?" I laugh. "But yeah, I'm happy." For now, at least. Who knows what the future holds.

I look out the window as we prepare to take off. Well, this should be a adventure of a lifetime. Right? Right? No? No? Okay. Whatever.
"I can't stand the crying anymore!" Ravenna complains as I try to calm Raven down.

"Hey, you're not the mother in here. So you should be grateful."

She flips her long, raven black hair. "Nah, I'm just joking. But you're the one who should be grateful."

I lift an eyebrow at her. "Why?"

"Girl, you're stupid." Jimi rolls his eyes.

"Jimi, nobody was talking to you."


She chuckles. "As I was saying. Tiff, you get the full experience of being a mother. Mommy one minute and a Yale student the other minute."

I laugh as she finally calms down. I sit on the couch. "This reminds me of Tommy's apartment."

"He's hot." Ravenna blushes.

Jimi laughs, which makes him fall off the couch while I roll my eyes. "Hate to break it to you, but he has a girlfriend."

"Dang it!" She groans.

I've known these two since high school. April, was traveling around the world now, studying nature. That's why she isn't here.

A knock comes upon the door. "I didn't invite anybody."

"Jimi, stop trying to sound like Sutan!" I laugh.

"Don't look at me. We all know Brad and I broke up years ago."

I scoff. "Pfft. Who would I invite?"


I lift an eyebrow. "Tommy?"

I get up from the couch and open the door. "Tommy!" I hug him, also being careful not to crush Raven.

He hangs his head back and laughs. "Excited to see me, huh?"

"Very! Get your butt inside, mister."

I smack his butt as he walks into our dorm. Well, my day just got even better. And I'm sure Raven will be happy to see him. She loves him! Hello, crazy day!

Life With Adam Lambert: Part IIIWhere stories live. Discover now