New Life

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There isn't an easy way to put it in words on how Dacheel looks and runs. Almost three years have passed since that day. The teens have been doing their best to raise their younger siblings and try to look out for one another. Yet none of them are parents and chaos has spread. Without the adults around, many places were abandoned. Left to crumble and be forgotten as the rest of us live our lives in what we call a nightmare.

The days that once had been filled with joy and the sound of laughter had been silenced. As time had moved on, so had many of the survivor's childhood. We were forced to face a harsh reality, one many of us had not expected to lie within our very own sector.

Things work differently than they did three years ago. Gold coins are rarely used when wanting to purchase something. The marketplace is now filled with basic necessities but only able to be taken if there is a fair trade. A curfew has been given to each sector and with guards around, none of us dare to even step outside. Even if they are not around the area we are in. Not only that but once each week, the guards are ordered to search homes and buildings for the missing twin heirs. For they started a rebellion. A rebellion I am a part of.

Walking the streets of Sector 57 is like walking the streets of Sector 74, I witness what we have done to it over the 2 years that have passed. The streets are cracked, trash hugging the alleys of abandoned buildings with no space left to move. The polluted skies, never raining, hung above our heads like a poisonous smaug; making air magic impossible.

The wind almost blowing the hood of my blue sweater off. The hood that hides my identity. Every time I go out, I make sure to wear these exact clothes so I can help in my own way. That way when I get caught, they see someone who isn't real and I can still walk around as me when I abandon it. The guards, not knowing it is me. My hair is tied so it doesn't peek out of the hood. The gray sweatpants, not going well, but hiding any evidence if I'm a boy or girl.

All of a sudden I hear a noise in the sky that catches my attention. It sounds like wings flapping and a small bird screech. Jaye. I look up to the sky to see Jaye, a Barn Owl, flying above me. He takes his time flying around before landing on my outstretched arm. He makes another small screech and focuses on me.

"Well?" I say.

"He is here." He is talking about Lucas. The whole reason I came to sector 57.

Jaye, my pet and friend owl. When I first found him, he was in bad condition at one of the old farms. He broke a wing and it seemed like someone just ripped some feathers off him. I felt pity for him, so I took him in and nursed him to health. Some of the feathers weren't able to grow back and it's noticeable yet it adds to his charm and easy to know which one is him. When a bond is made between a human and an animal, there is a direct mental communication between them. It makes it easier for both him and I.

I snap my head out of the thought and focus back at my mission. "He still waiting at the back of the marketplace, here, in Sector 57?"

"No, he's waiting at the mall for you two to have your first date. Where else would he be?" There is the annoying sarcasm I grew to ignore.

"Fine, ok. You can go home now. Your treat is waiting for you." He does not stay a second longer and flies into the sky. Heading home. Home...

A word that lost meaning to me when this all started. I know longer know what home is, yet I use it. I use it but it does not have feeling anymore. One would think that home is where you live. A building with a roof over your head. If that were true, then why does it feel like I'm stepping somewhere forbidden?

This thought continues on as I walk towards to our meeting point. I didn't notice I was just standing there until Lucas started shaking me. His appearance is the first thing I see. His short blond hair a mess and his narrow face showing worry. His freckles showing itself which only brings out his eyes.

"Kaidence. Focus. We don't have much time. I can't risk the other guards seeing me here with the Night Warrior." Night Warrior. A name the citizens of Dacheel gave me after stories have been passed down to each sector. I do not only come out at night but my identity is as dark as night. And just like a warrior, I do my job in protecting people no matter how many guards chase after me. I always lose them and manage to get my job done.

At a flick of my wrist, I feel the cold air surrounding me. No, there is a cold touch inside of me. Taking over me as both Lucas and I are swallowed by the shadows. "There. Now you don't have to worry about being spotted."

His face turns into one of shock but slowly turns into one of realization. "I keep forgetting you can do that. It's supposed to be impossible for someone to have a one of a kind power. Never been done. Yet you managed to get one." I get a bit irritated at the fact that we are getting off track but mask my irritation with a pointed look. He bites his lip, finally getting down to business. "Kaidence, I don't think I can handle it much longer. I didn't know it would be this hard."

"Everything is hard. Getting resources, walking down the streets, even coming out of your house at night just to stand there and get some air. No one has it easy."

"Kaidence, you don't understand. I have to execute children! Half a dozen children, all brothers and sister, that left the house at night. They didn't know about the rule and now they're locked away. Scheduled to be killed in a week! They're innocent."

I don't know what came over me but I soon found myself slapping him across the face. I didn't know what to say but I had to think of something quick. "Calm yourself down. This is war. You're a spy and most importantly, you're a rebel soldier! If you lose your cool now, you will not be of any use to us. This mission will fail and it will take longer to overthrow him. Do you understand Lucus? If not, let me paint you a picture. The same streets, the same rules. The same fear and working methods. More killing, fewer people, no help. Every person counts. So stay focused."

When no more words came out my mouth, I was surprised at myself that I was managed to even speak. The words I said were true but I don't know if that's what I keep at heart.

He touches his left cheek, the one I slapped, and keeps it there. As if it would help calm the pain.

"You're right. It's just-" There was a slight pause as he thought about his words and tried to sort out his feelings. "Things are starting to get hard. You and the rest of the rebellion know that the King knows there is a spy in the palace. He doesn't know who yet but he has been narrowing things down. And I'm still on the list. I don't have any more ideas on how to get off the radar."

The information comes into my mind as I think of possible solutions and questions. Answers that come and go. Only to know that it is not my place to act on this.

"You gotta get me out."

"You forget that I am second in command. I cannot make any important decisions without the twins."

He searches my face for any sign of pity or any other emotion so that I can get him out but none is shown. His back soon faces towards me as he runs his hand through his already messy hair.

"Then please get them to reassign me or something. Please?" He does not face me but I do not need to look at his face to know that he has lost all hope. Rather if it's being reassigned or his life, I do not know.

"I'll try."

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