Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Strange Feelings...

  Halla's POV:

         The rest of the ride passed by quickly. When we arrived at the hotel everyone was making fun of Izzy, because of a huge stain on her pants. Philipe targeted her just fine. That bitch deserved it! But Louis didn't deserve the rant which he had to go through because of me.

Louis' POV:

         Duffy was not even close to shutting up. She kept it going on about how I did not respect the plan because of a silly girl. No one got it. She wasn't silly. She was smart, gorgeous and fearless. She had guts to stand up to Zeke. And those puppy brown eyes, staring so innocently back at everyone, and that night black hair.... She was gorgeous.

          "Can we talk for a moment, Louis?" Zeke's voice shook me out of my daydreaming.

          "Yeah. Why not?" I answered calmly, but on the inside my rage was burning up. How dare he hurt my Halla! Wait a second...My Halla? Where the hell did that come from? Halla was not an object! She belonged to no one!

           "Louis, something's wrong with you. It's that girl, Halla, isn't it?"

            " mean....yes. Yes, it's her." I finally managed to spit it out. Truth be said, I had a lot of faith in Zeke. After all he was my best friend.

             "Why? What do you see in that girl? What about Duffy? You know she has a thing for you."

            "Maybe,but she's not the girl for me. I love Halla."

             "She's an outsider."

             "But she's ......she's different."

             "How come?"

              "Well....she's not some spoiled brat from some rich family, like the rest of us. She's kind and she's herself, not some fake porcelain mask like Duffy!"

               "What do you mean by that?"

               " Duffy pretends to be someone she's not so I would like her, but that's exactly what I hate about her. That's why I love Halla! She's for real, man! She has flaws and she makes mistakes, just like me. I spent all my childhood with you and because of your family and mine I couldn't afford to make any mistakes and I'm tired of it! I want to make mistakes. I want to fall and then rise up, but I want Halla to be there with me. I don't want to be alone. I love her!"

              "Fine, Louis. If I'm to perfect to be your best friend then go talk to her!"

              "Easier said than done. It's not like she's going to talk to me now, after what you did!"

             "Louis, I hope you're not mad at me!"

              "I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at me for taking part in your damned masquerade." I turned around and stormed off towards the bus. I got my bags out and went to room 15, where I was told I'd be staying with Zeke and some younger boy, Philipe, I think.

             When I arrived, Zeke was already there with Izzy and Duffy on his tail. When she saw me Duffy started complaining about what I did. I was already stressed out and her speaking to me like that did not make matters better. I rolled my eyes at her and went straight to my bed, throwing my bags onto it. I was ready to tell the girls to leave when a young, slender boy with black hair, reaching past his shoulders, and puppy brown eyes entered the room. His eyes wandered around until he found his bed and went to it. He somewhat reminded  me of Halla.

               "Hi, I'm Louis!" I heard myself say. Everyone looked at me in pure shock, but the boy recovered quickly.

                "Hi, I'm Philipe. Nice to meet ya!"

                "Nice to meet ya too! Those are Zeke, Duffy, oh, and that one with a stick up her ass is Izzy."

                "Nice to meet ya all!"

                "Same here." The others replied uninterested, but then the door opened and everyone stared in amazement. There stood Halla, Dressed in a pair of tight, leather pants, a black tank top and a pair of black leather boots. Her hair hung loosely around her shoulders. But her eyes were disturbed.

                 "Phi- Philipe!" Her voice shook with fear. Philipe grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the room. So... they were a couple. My heart started sinking. I really didn't know what to do to keep my tears from falling.

                   "I told you she's not worth it." Zeke's cold voice entered my foggy mind. I whirled around, anger evident all over my face.

                   "She's more worth it than any of you will ever be!" I yelled at them and then burst out the doors in my wolf form. I ran past that annoying maths teacher, probably scarring the heck right out of him. I went straight to the forest and hid in a cave. There I shape-shifted back to my human form and simply watched the snowflakes. I think I staid there some time, until a slender figure appeared at the entrance of the cave.

                   "Louis...I'm sorry!" Her whimpering voice brought me back to reality.


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