Chapter nine

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    Finally, everything was complete. I have successfully drained the stair way, and the path was clear. I could at last leave this place. But.. I would feel bad just leaving Bendy without saying goodbye. Sighing, I decided to say farewell when I had the chance, and then leave. But first to get off this floor.

    And so I went to do just that. Well, I would have. If it weren't for the irritable pain in the back of my head. I fell over, wincing in pain. Groaning, I turned over, only to wish that I didn't. As I blurred out, I heard something from the creature hovering over me.

    "Sheep sheep sheep, it's time for sleep.. Rest your head.. It's time for bed..."


    My consciousness soon returned to me, but I had no idea where I was. But I believe what frightened me the most was that.. The creature was still there. I tried to run off, but I felt that I was tied. I couldn't move.

    "There we go, nice and tight. We wouldn't want our sheep roaming away, now, would we?" I scoffed.

    "I don't even know who you are." As I conversed, I carefully untied the knots that held me back.

    "Oh, my apologies. I guess since you'll be sacrificed, it won't matter either way. I am Bendy's prophet: Sammy Lawrence." Sammy? The crazy guy?

    "Samuel, eh? Well-" I started.

    "My name isn't Samuel, for Bendy's sake!!" He cut me off. "No one likes a sheep who doesn't listen, so behave. Soon, he will set us free."

    He began to walk off, leaving me alone. It was at that time that I finished untying myself. But I didn't get up yet. A speaker came on.

    "Sheep sheep sheep, it's time for sleep. Rest your head, it's time for bed. In the morning, you may wake. Or in the morning.. You'll be dead." The door on the other side of the room began to tremble, going up. I tuned out the rest of what Sammy had to say.

    I got up, frantic of what to do next. If that crazy person was correct, then Bendy was down that hall. Taking a deep breath, I picked up my speed, heading down the hallway.

    "Bendy..?" I called out. "Bendy?" I spoke with more confidence. "Bendy!" Still nothing. I stopped when a room in front of me was filled with nothing but ink. "Be-" I held in a scream when something much taller than me appeared. I turned to run, but stopped when a voice reached my ear.

    "No, Mickey wait! It's me, Bendy!" I stood in disbelief.

    "Bendy..? But.. But you looks so.."

    "I know, I know I do. But I promise, I won't hurt you. I just fell, that's all.." I shook my head rapidly.

    "Th... This is all a dream.. I really frightening dream.. Yeah.." The ink on him, slowly dripped off, his cheeky self returning.

    "Mick, this ain't a dream. Do you want me to prove it?" I looked up at him, staring into his pure black eyes.

    "How're you gonna do th-"

Ink it up (Bendy X Mickey) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now