1.Becoming the Beast

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One thing about me you should know is that I loved my family with everything in me. My family was my rock. They were the most important thing in my life. My pack and friends always came second to my family. I loved everyone in my family but I was closest to my dad. Like all my other family members he pushed me to be my best and to be stronger than I really was. But the thing with my dad was that he pushed me a thousand things harder. He always knew how hard to push and when to be gentle and the loving father he was.

He was the head warrior of the pack. Which basically means he helped train all the wolfs of the pack except the Alpha, Alpha Female, Beta, Beta Female, Gamma and the Gamma Female of the pack. Those are all the high ranked wolfs of the pack which would of already had training before taking over their rightful rank. Without having high ranked wolfs the pack would fall, other packs would takedown the pack for territory or the rogues would attack and tear the pack apart.

Rogues are wolfs that were either kicked out of their pack or run away from their pack. They usually roam the unclaimed territory unless they are brave enough to enter an Alpha's territory. If a rogue were to step into an Alpha territory without asking, the Alpha had rights to do as he pleases with the rogue. Which in mine and most packs meant death.

The main key of a strong pack was to have a strong Alpha that had true Alpha blood in them. The only way you could became an Alpha without having true Alpha blood, would be if you killed an Alpha. Which means all the Alpha's are targets to rogues that are power hunger.

Our Alpha Female -our Luna died because our Alpha was a target. It all stared when Alpha Adam went on a hunting trip for a whole week with a couple of the other high ranked wolfs. He brought his gamma, my dad, and a couple of warriors with him. He left his Luna with is Beta and the rest of the warriors. He didn't know that a group of rogues were trying to take his title. These rogues were smart. They waited three days after the Alpha left, then attacked looking for the Luna. They had a plan we just didn't know it until it was over with. Their plan was to kill the Luna. Killing the Luna in hopes that the Alpha would be too busy mourning for his lost mate to put up a worthy fight.

They didn't give him a worthy fight though.They
killed his Luna two days after they took her right when he made it back to the pack after his Beta mind-linked the Alpha right before the Beta died along with half the warriors that were left behind.
They killed the Luna right in front of him then kill him. After killing Alpha Adam they went for all that was left of the higher ranks. Then they started killing the other pack members.

After the rogues killed the Luna my father made us ran into the forrest a way from the pack house were the scene was unfolding. My father had a duty to protect the pack but my mother would not let him go without her. He ended up taking her with him and told me, my older bother, and little sister to run.

We run for what felt like hours. I slowed to a jog and leaned my back on a big tree and slowly lowered myself to the ground. My brother Ethan who was in front of my sister and I turned around at the sound of us stoping. He turned around with a confused look until it turned to worry when he saw the state I was in. I currently had my knees to my chest and my hands in my hair. The first thing that hit me was how hot I felt and how it felt like the world was spinning. I could hardy hear when Ethan ask me if I was ok because of how labored my breathing was becoming. Werewolf's did not get this winded this fast. I knew something else had to be wrong.

"Ethan what's happening to me?" I practically screamed in pain at my bother. I knew I was scaring Lilly my sister but I didn't care I had to know what was going on. I had to know why every part of my body was starting to hurt. No I needed to know and I need to know now.

"Ethan!" I demanded. After he started shaking his head and pacing I tried to get back on my feet, but all the sudden I heard a crack and felt excruciating pain in my right leg and I almost collapse face first in the dirt if it wasn't for Ethan catching me.

"You're shifting." Ethan rushed out after he helped me back to the ground. I stared at Ethan for a solid minute, wondering if I heard right. It didn't make sense to me because wolfs shifted at the age of eighteen unless you had true Alpha blood then it would really depend on how strong your wolf was. But I didn't understand why I was shifting now, I was only seventeen. Then I heard another crack and pain started in my left leg and a suppressed my scream with a whimper of pain. All the sudden we heard loud footsteps and we knew the rogues were coming this way.

"Guys, we can't stay here." Whispered Lily. Ethan run his hands through his hair and walked towards me, he picked me up bridled style and any other day I would have laughed at how ridiculous it all seemed. But then the pain in my other leg came and I had to muffle my scream with my palm.

A couple of minutes later we came a cross a creek and washed our scent away. Our scent won't fade for long but hopefully long enough to lose these rogues. We slowing made it over to a cave in the side of the mountain which was a little whiles away from the creek. Right when we made it to the cave my arm broke and I let out several whimpers in protest.

"Y'all should leave before the rogues come back." I told Ethan and Lily. "No. We are staying right here together." Ethan told me. Lily nodded her head and reached for my hand right when my other arm broke.

The pain I was feeling was like no other. It was like a million bees were stinging me over and over again but much, much worst. It was the most pain I have ever felt in my life. The pain was worst than I ever thought it would be. From the way Ethan was looking at me I could tell the shift was suppose to be painful...but not this painful. The shift was also going way faster than any of us would have liked. I could tell my shift wasn't going to last long right after all the bones in my hands broke. That time I couldn't hold back, I screamed out in pain. Lily let go of my hand but stayed close.

Right when I started to feel my canines grow I heard Ethan and Lily gasped. I looked over at them which caused Lily to slowly back away from me with fear in her eyes. "Your eyes are changing colors" Ethan explained. "What are they changing to?" I asked a little terrified. "Yellow." Lily whispered.

"Your eyes are turning yellow" she whispered in astonishment again. "How? That's impossible right. Ethan?" I asked. Ethan shakes his head and says "Nothing is impossible, Grace. Your living proof of that now." I shake my head which causes an intense headache and I start seeing black spots.

This can't be happening yellow eyes are insanely rare to werewolfs. Only one other werewolf has ever had yellow eyes and he was the most powerful werewolf to ever existed. Until one day he just completely vanished. No one has ever seen, hear, or caught his scent since. It's like he just completely vanished, no trace left. The only thing he left behind was a pack. That has been searching for him ever since.

After me not responding for a little while Ethan put his hand on my shoulder. "Grace you're going to get through this." Ethan told me with an encouraging smile. One moment after that I felt the connect I had with my parents break and by the looks of it Lily and Ethan felt it too. As if things couldn't get any worst, one minute later I felt the pain of my spine breaking and all I saw was black.

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Picture info- https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/e2/f4/ae/e2f4ae98a2bb303848212ff9a0f30cfc.png

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