17. It's not to late

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    "So I was thinking

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"So I was thinking.." I start to say but was cut off by Issac saying "that's never a good sign." I grab one of the pillows from our bed and throw it at him. He catches it with ease and tosses it back to me.

"Wait, were you thinking about me? Grace, I was just in the shower.. I feel very violated right now" He exclaims with his lips curling into an adorable grin.

"Actually I was, thinking about you" I replied. "Do tell" he says. I look over at him wanting to see his reaction "I want to mark you" His eyes widened and he looked at me speechless for a good minute or so then he shook his head yes and stuttered out an "ok." I saw him gulp and look around the room then look back at me. "Like right now?" He asks. "Only if you want to and you're ready" I tell him. "Oh I want too." He hastily rushing out. I smile and his eyes widened once he realizes what he said. He tries to play it cool and says "I mean uh, ok?"

I can tell he's nervous because he won't look at me. I see the red on his checks forming and I knew I needed to save him from himself. "Come sit with me?" I ask patting the spot on the bed beside me. He silently comes and sits by me. Far enough away so he's not touching me. I move closer so my legs touch his. A mates touch is suppose to be comforting. His touch comforts me so I hope mine can help and comfort him.

"You do know you can touch me whenever you want. I'm yours as much as you're mine" I tell him looking into his eyes to let him know I'm being serious. He studies my face looking into my eyes then he glances at my lips. I bite my lip and I heard him take a sharp intake of breath then he whispered "screw it" so quietly I almost didn't heard it. He then grabs me by the waist and puts me on his lap. I wrapt my hands around his neck and move closer to him. I stop moving when I hear him groan "stop." I look down at where I was sitting and realize why he wanted me to stop. I smirk and say "or what"

Then not even a second later he grabbed my face with both of his hands and kissed me. My hands with a mind of there own went to his hair. This kiss felt different. It felt like the start of something extraordinary something I would have before been afraid of. He pulled away for air and brought his lips to my neck. I let him have his way but then tugged at his hair to pull him back. He moaned and I caught it in a kiss. Our tongues fought and I pulled away to his neck. I kissed around until I found where I wanted my mark to be. I pulled back enough to look into his eyes and asked "are you sure?" He looked into my eyes and said "yes." I nodded and kissed where I wanted my mark to be one last time and I felt my canines come out and my eyes change. I then sunk my teeth into his neck, marking him mine forever.

A deep groan that sounded like he was having the time of his life left his lips. His grip on my waist tightened and I ran my fingers through his hair. I retracted my fangs and licked the blood from his neck. Issac sucked in a breath and his eyes rolled to the back of his head in total bliss.

"That good huh?" I ask. He lays back into the bed and says "you have no idea." I was still on his lap so I climb off and lay beside him. I watch him stare at the ceiling and all the sudden he says "thank you." "For what?" I ask. "I've been waiting for you to mark me." He whispers half asleep. "I didn't know" I reply but it was too late because he was already asleep.

I took his shoes off and covered him up in a blanket. I locked our bedroom room not wanting anyone to come in just in case. When a wolf marks there mate it's taken very seriously. A human mate can be very vulnerable after being marked. Humans usually sleep for a while after being marked a day or less. I grabbed some cloths and went to take a shower. Half way through the shower I heard sheets shuffling and I felt Issac's pain.

I jumped out of the shower and put my cloths on as fast as I could. I ran to Issac and grabbed his hand some of the pain subsided but I could still feel it. He was sweaty and he was burning up. I've never heard of this happening after marking someone. Humans are suppose to be a little weak but not like this.

I mind link my pack doctor and command him to come to the Alphas house and to come to my bedroom. He must have shifted to get here faster because he made it here faster than I thought he would. He probably heard the panic in my voice. I hear the door open but I keep my eyes on Issac.

"Alpha?" he hesitantly asks. I looked at the doctor with tears in my eyes " all I did was mark him. I don't know what's wrong. I.. I don't know what's happening."

I take a deep breath trying to calm myself. I sounded desperate and weak which is what I felt like but I couldn't look weak. I had to protect my mate and my pack. With a new sense of determination I look at the doctor in the eyes with a serious face and said "fix him. Now."

"Alpha" he looks anywhere but at me and says "he needs to go to the pack hospital." "I'll meet you there, Gabe." I say. My eyes change to yellow meaning my wolf is on the verge of taking control. Gabe flinches away and I grab my mate in my arms and take off out of the house and run to the pack hospital which is right beside the pack house. I get there before the doctor and I growl at the nurses who then rush to make a room for my mate. I begin to get frustrated but I see the doctor approach still in wolf form. He goes to his office and closes the door then returns in human form in jeans and a shirt. I lay my mate down on the bed the nurses made and kiss his forehead. I go and stand out in the hall. I watch the doctor and nurses take tests, and run around like a chicken with it's head cut off. This lasted for about two hours.

I walk back into the room and growl "why isn't he awake?" No one answered they stared. My wolf hated disrespect. I lost control. I charged forward and stood directing in front of the doctor "What.Is.Going.On." I asked. "I.. I.. I'm not suppose" he stutters and shakes his head. I grab his face and make him look in my eyes. It's a sign of dominance. I was showing him that I was in control. I growled furiously and he whimpered. "TELL ME, NOW!" I yelled in my Alpha voice. This coward of a man was going to let my mate suffer. HIS Alpha.

"It's because of your wolf. The trait you carry, your yellow eyes."

"I'm the cause of this?" I say more to myself than the doctor, looking over at my mate. He had ivs in and cords that monitored his heart. No one should ever see their mate like that. Him like this pained my wolf and me. It was almost unbearable. "What's going to happen to him?" I almost couldn't ask, I just found him, I couldn't lose him.

"There's something else you don't know the last Luna was a wolf and she was marked by our former Alpha. He had the same traits as you, the yellow eyes." The doctor said in a hush voice. "And?" I asked in a hard voice with my face guarded. I was searching his eyes and I knew I wasn't going to like what I was going to heard. He looked left and right making sure no one was listening and whispered "she didn't make it."

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