Snowball fight (y/n one shot)

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HIYA, here's another fluff (y/n) one shot because you guys seemed to like the first one? 😂 sorry if it's bad. SIDE NOTES-
•The house dorm is never actually mentioned so it works for all houses 😂

Also if my friend (you know who you are) is reading this haha text me so we can cringe and laugh together 🖤
K thanks have fun reading!!! 😝

You woke up to a freezing cold dorm and immediately knew the source. You jumped out of bed just to have your feet hit the ice cold floor.
"Damn where are slippers where you need them?" You ask yourself slipping the warm shoes on. You look around and see nobody in your dorm, they must have left to breakfast. (Side note--- when writing the first sentence the auto fill suggested it say "gosh daddy" and if that doesn't show I have some weird problems I don't know what does oops 😂)

You rush over to the window and see it, the most fluffy white snow... ever.
"YESSS" you fist pump the air as you throw on your robes and a heavy coat.

You head over to your desk and grab a piece of parchment writing to your boyfriend who you find you quite annoying at times you must say.
Meet me outside by the whomping willow in 10?
- (y/n) :)

You head to the bathroom to get yourself to look less like a dying cow and head down the stairs to go meet the snow, of your dreams. (Ha thought I was going to say man but nahhhh)

You reach the spot surrounding the tree outside and bask in the pale snow. That is, until you feel a snowball hit your back.
"What in the name of Merlin" you laugh as you turn around to spot your victim.

"Draco! It's on" you say as you ball up the snow in your hand and start chasing him. The snowball fight continued for quite awhile until your hair has frozen snow chunks in it and both of your faces are red from the cold.

You hit him with one last snowball and like the drama queen he is, he falls into the snow. You go over and lie next to him. Draco puts his arm around you and pulls you into his now cold coat.
"Well that was fun" you laugh as you try to catch snowflakes on your tongue.

"Agreed, you are the worst at throwing snowballs though" Draco snickers at you.

"Hey, I'm perfectly fine at throwing thank you very much" you say stubbornly looking at him.

"I know, I was just joking, let's go inside and get warmed up with some hot chocolate," he says as he gets up and holds out his hand for you.

"Well thank you my dear Slytherin prince" you chuckle as you two walk back the castle, hand and hand.

Was it good?! Don't forget to vote and comment what to write next! Thanks for reading, I hope it was worth your time 😉❤️☺️

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