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Summary: Good Ending: Kenma had a misunderstanding and Kuroo arrived on time.

Kenma dropped his phone on the couch, crying, after finishing his voice message for Kuroo and ran to his bathroom. He looked himself in the mirror. 'No wonder Kuroo doesn't love me. I'm disgusting.' Kenma was disturbed by his own appearance, and began to rummage through the medicine cabinet. He found the anti-depressant pills he was supposed to be taking and screwed off the cap with only some difficulty. He emptied what was left if it's contents into his hand and stared at it. Hesitantly, he tossed the pills into his mouth, and used water from the bathroom sink to help swallow them. He gagged a bit, considering he already had trouble swallowing one pill as it is.

Kenma didn't know if he felt dizzy from the negative adrenalin or because the pills were taking effect on him. He fell to the floor from being dizzy. He couldn't seem to move his limbs, and had a lot of trouble getting up. He couldn't see clearly from the tears in his eyes. He cried himself to sleep, yet again.

Kuroo was already on his way from hid workplace to his and Kenma's apartment. Kuroo had ignored the call because he was in the middle of dealing with a customer. He panicked as soon as he heard the voice mail. He ran out of his office, after apologizing to his boss and told him he'd explain everything later. Kuroo knew he'd be in trouble later, but all he cared about was Kenma at the moment.

As soon as Kuroo arrived to the apartment building, he observed the outside, all while walking to the stairs. There were no police, nobody alert, no nothing. This caused Kuroo to run up the stairs faster, because what if he drowned himself, so no one else in the building was able to know and try and save him.

After running up the stairs, Kuroo searched as fast as he could for the key to the apartment. A lot of his keys looked the same, and he decided he didn't have time to try and differ the apartment key from the others, so he just started shoving keys in and seeing if they were right.

Against Kuroo's luck, the last key on hid key ring was the one to the apartment. He started to panic even more because that could have lost him a lot of time.

He practically ripped the door open and ran inside, not bothering to close the door behind him.

"Kenma!" Nothing.

"Kenma, please, where are you?!" Still nothing. He yelled Kenma's name a few more times til he reached the bathroom connected to his and Kenma's bedroom.

And there he was.

Kenma was lying on the floor peacefully. Well, it would've seem peaceful if there wasn't an open bottle of pills lying next to him.

"Kenma, no." Kuroo tried moved Kenma's body so he was lying with hid back to the floor. Kuroo checked for pulse. He was rushing, so it was hard until he was able to actually feel one.

Once he felt that Kenma's heart was still beating, he started shaking Kenma until he woke up.

"Hm? What..." Kenma mumbled, stirring awake.

"Kenma, thank God you're okay."

"Why would you care?"

"Because you're my boyfriend," Kuroo became confused. Why would Kenma think that he wouldn't care about his own boyfriend's health? "And I love you. Why wouldn't I care?" Kenma sat up and started feeling confused himself.

"You mean you aren't cheating on me?"

Kuroo was even more befuddled, until he remembered the time Kenma saw him and Kuroo. "No! No, no, no. Of course not! Tsukishima had invited me over to discuss work stuff, then forced me into a kiss. I could never cheat on you."

Kuroo grabbed Kenma's face and kissed him. Kenma kissed him back. "But then why haven't you been around as much."

"I'm so sorry about that. I had been not going to work for a month to avoid Tsukishima. So instead of firing me, my boss had me work overtime everyday for the past year." Kenma remembered the time Kuroo spent with him everyday after catching him and Tsukishima.

"I'm taking a vacation off from work soon for a week so I can spend as much time with you, then I should be working a normal schedule afterwards." Kenma smiled, knowing that Kuroo really does love him, and that this was all just a huge misunderstanding. Kenma suddenly felt stupid and guilty for believing that Kuroo would cheat on him. Kuroo noticed the small tears leaving Kenma's eyes. Kuroo took action and wrapped his arms around Kenma.

"I love you so much. Please don't cry, it hurts to see you cry."

"I can't believe I thought you'd do that. You should hate me for thinking so low of you. I'm sorry..."

"You have no reason to be sorry. And don't you dare fight me on that." Kenma laughed slightly. This made Kuroo smile.

Suddenly Kuroo remembered that Kenma tried to overdose. "Kenma!" This startled the blonde. "I need to get you to a hospital!"

Kuroo suddenly pulled Kenma up and rushed him to the nearest hospital. Kenma ended up being okay after his levels were checked, and his aspirin levels were normal and going down. The doctor prescribed Kenma liquid medicaition, so that he couldn't overdose again, and recommended he see a therapist. Kenma politely declined, and said that he knew he'd be fine.

And Kenma and Kuroo lived happily ever after.

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