Chapter Two: The 'Babe'

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The next day, I grabbed my camera, and admired the 3 pictures I took at the diner. Last night around 2am, when I couldn't sleep, I decided that I would be going back there today.

Quickly saving the photos to my laptop, I fiddle my phone around in my hands, a stupid habit of mine. I waited as my photos were being printed by my wireless printer, and my thoughts drifted. I had an entire plan thought up in my head, in order to spend the most time there.

I would go there around lunch, preferably to catch the lunch time rush, just so it didn't seem suspicious. Then I would bring my math book, and try and solve whatever shit the teacher expects me to learn and use the rest of my life, so I don't just sit there alone watching everyone mill around. I would order a tea at around 2, so I don't just take up room without being a customer.

I had no idea why I had thought of this plan, I don't even know why I'm going back. I just know that I have to. My instincts are leading me there, and it would be rude for me not to listen to my instincts.

And maybe my instincts were influenced by 4 certain boys, but I won't admit that.

"Are you ready to go?" My brother asks me, poking his head into my room, interrupting my train of thought. "Whoa, who are these pictures of?" Matt asks, leaning down to pick them up.

"No one" I quickly reply, snatching the pictures away from him. "They're-they're of no one" I stutter, putting the pictures in my "good picture" box.

"Okay spazzy, lets go before Tyler leaves for the field without me" Matt whines, leaving my room, letting me breathe a sigh of relief.

If anyone sees these pictures, the'd think I'm stalkerish, which would be really embarrassing. And possibly sent to jail for.

After I dropped Matt off at Tyler's house, I walked into the diner, and the place was practically full, not at all like yesterday. But then again, yesterday I came in after the lunch rush and before the dinner rush, so obviously it'll be different.

A sign on the podium that I hadn't seen yesterday, said "Seat yourself" and I did just exactly that. I walked more towards the corner of the diner and picked a booth that would angle me to see the everything. I sit myself down, and put my math books in front of me, getting myself prepared for my plan.

It took no longer then 4 minutes until Calum came over, smiling.

"You're back!" he exclaims, putting the menu down. Then he calls over the diner, "Luke, you owe Ashton 10 bucks" and a gratified shout from the kitchen.

Giving Calum a confused stare, he chuckles, and while putting one hand down on my table, explains, "Ash bet Luke that you would be back in the next week, and Luke said that we all scared you away"

Smiling to more myself then Calum, I glance over at Luke behind the counter who laughed a little, and looked down at the money he was counting, a rosiness taking over his cheeks.

"So what can I getcha to drink?" Calum asks, bringing my attention back to him.

"Um, just a water is fine thanks" I order, watching as he nods and walks away, hoping that he would have stayed a bit longer and chatted a bit.

After I had gotten my lunch (a salad, can't always have a grilled cheese everyday), the diner started slowing down until 2, when it was completely dead.

So much for being unsuspicious.

I glare down at my math book, chewing on the back of my pencil, with my head in my hands, when Michael comes over to my table.

"Still haven't given you the check yet?" he asks, a hint of teasing in his voice. I chuckle, and shake my head.

"No, but could I have a tea please?"

"Sure thing. Any milk or sugar?"

"Yes please" I respond.

Michael scurries away quickly, and I devour myself in math again.

"Where's my 10 dollars?" I hear from the kitchen, thankfully taking my attention away from my homework. I turn my head, facing the voices, needing a distraction from math. I can only focus on math for so long until I start to drift away from it.

"We didn't actually make that a real bet" a voice retaliates, Luke's voice to be exact.

Luke comes out of the swinging doors with Ashton following him like a puppy dog. "Bull shit!" Ashton yells, giggling at the end. "You were so into the bet. I remember you saying that it was our fault we scared the pretty girl away, and then I said 'no we didn't, she'll be back before the week is done'" Ashton recalls, imitating Luke's voice during his part. "And then you said, 'Wanna bet?' and BAM the bet was formed"

"I never called her the pretty girl" Luke finishes for Ashton, a smug look on his face.

"Yeah, I called her the pretty girl" Calum adds in, sweeping the mat by the door. "Luke called her the babe"

Luke raises his eyebrows at Ashton like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Ashton just rolls his eyes at the blonde boy, and swats him with the rag he was holding.

Michael comes out from the kitchen, with my cup of tea, just when Ashton was making his way back into the kitchen. "Watch it! Hot tea!" Michael exclaims, glaring at Ashton.

"Who's the tea for Mikey? The place is empty" Luke questions, putting his elbow on the counter to lean on.

"For the 'babe' at table 7" Michael replies, walking towards me with the mug in his hands.

I quickly duck my head and pretend that I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, and start pounding numbers into my calculator.

"Here you go" Michael announces, setting down the mug in front of me. I smile a thanks to him, and burrow my head back into my book. I wasn't positive, but I could definitely feel their eyes watching me, and my face turning the worst shade of red.

"Well that's awkward" Ashton mumbles, chuckling a little bit, before I heard the chime above the door chime, signaling a new customer.

I left the diner at quarter to 3, having given up on my math homework, and trying to avoid me saying something stupid about what I overheard.

I fumbled in finding my car keys in my purse, and when I finally did unlock my car, I sat down and just sat there staring at the rain hitting the car in front of me.

I was just shocked about what they said. I've never really been called pretty by guys, other then my dad and my brother. And even then, they have to because they're family.

I've always been the average girl, nothing too special about me. I was average height, 5'6, had straight blonde hair that did nothing I wanted it to, blue eyes, medium sized lips, and a button nose.

Guys always tended to look at me as a friend that they could ask for help with girls, or someone to help with their homework. I had one brief boyfriend in grade 9, but it ended quickly when he found someone better and more interesting.

The only thing I thought I had going for me that was unique was my photography skills, but no one in my family understands that. My parents want me to become a lawyer, or a nurse, and my brother Matt just wants me out of the house so he can get my room.

But having those guys from the diner call me "pretty" and "a babe" made me feel different. Happier almost.

I pulled down the sun visor and saw my reflection in the mirror. I was smiling, and I didn't really know why.

But it was nice to smile.

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