Chapter Four: Accidental Employee

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"Why are we on the other side of town?" Matt asks, turning down my music, clearly fed up with going on a detour to get home.

"We"re not on the other side of town, we're a 10 minute walk away from home, calm down" I assure him, turning the engine off, and opening the door.

"Want me to come in with you? Be a person of recommendation for you?" Matt teases, craning his neck towards me, as I grab my bag from the back seat.

"I'm okay, I don't need your help, but thanks for the offer"

"Are you sure? It's a one time deal!" Matt yells, after I closed the door in response.

I walked into the diner, and was greeted by the familiar chime of the door. I looked around at the place, and saw that there was nobody here. I quickly turned around to glance at the open sign, making sure I didn't just accidentally break and enter.

Turning back around, I see a woman, maybe in her late 50's, coming through the doors that lead to the kitchen.

"Oh, welcome!" The woman exclaims, wiping her hands on the apron in front of her. She had spunky black hair, that was naturally speckled with grey hairs, and her face was very soft, and wrinkled with laugh lines.

"Would you like a table?" She asks, her voice soothing almost.

"Um, no thank you, I just came to ask if anyone turned in a missing camera? I was here on Sunday and I forget it in one of the booths" I quickly explain, squeezing my hands together in front of me.

"Oh, I'm sorry darling, I wasn't here on Sunday, I just got back today" The woman started to lean against the counter. "I can ask Ashton though, he's the one in charge when I'm gone"

I nod my head as she yells through the kitchen opening, "Ashton!" She then turns to me, and holds her hand out, "I'm Maxie"

I shake her hand, and see the Ashton walk through the doors. "Hey! You're back!" Ashton exclaims, wiping his hands on his apron.

"You two know each other?" Maxie asks, raising her eyebrows at me.

"Oh no, not really. I-"

"She came in on Saturday and then again on Sunday, and had to deal with our antics" Ashton interrupts me, leaning forward on the counter beside Maxie.

"Oh, well I should apologize for how they acted" Maxie teases, winking at me. Then turning to Ashton, she says, "This lovely young lady asked if anyone had seen a camera that was left here in one of the booths"

Ashton nods his head along to what Maxie was saying, and I could see that he really respected her. I was so busy admiring Ashton, that I almost didn't hear Ashton say, "Yeah, Calum said he found one, and brought it back here somewhere"

While Ashton was behind the counter ducking and looking around for my camera, the door behind me opened and the bell rang, making me turn around. Only to see the most impatient person ever; Matt.

Walking towards me, Matt whines, "Jules, I gotta pee. BAD" with teeth clenched.

Before I could give him some smartass remark and send him back to the car, Maxie pats Matt's shoulder, and says, "There's a bathroom to you right sweetheart"

Matt smiles at her with his 'I'm being polite because I don't know you' smile, and walks in the direction towards the bathroom.

"Calum probably put it in his locker to keep it safe so that no one would take it or something" Ashton explains, motioning his head to the back where he came from.

I nod my head, and fold my hands together in front of me, to stop from shaking, watching Ashton walk away.

"No need to be nervous, no matter how reckless these boys are, they're responsible" Maxie kindly says, putting her hand on my shoulder, looking me in the eye with her soft eyes.

I felt instantly calmer, and a warmth towards her, kind of like an older aunt.

But then Ashton comes back with Calum trailing behind him, holding my camera in his surprisingly large hands. I breathed a sigh of relief as Calum holds up my camera above his head and lowers it, giving me a quick wink. I smile to myself, and push my hair behind my ear.

"We have returned the camera!" Ashton announces, while everyone around him giggles.

"Camera? I thought you were here for a job application" Matt barges in, a super confused look on his face.

"You're applying for a job?!" Calum asks, his eyes going wide.

"We're hiring?" Ashton asks Maxie, who gives me a look.


"Well, right now we are a little short since Ted broke his leg..." Maxie ponders, making my heart beat a little slower then it was previously. "Can you count money?"

"Um, yes"

"Can you wash dishes?

"She hardly does-"

"Yes" I interrupt my brother, nonchalantly kicking him in the shin.

"Can you deal with us boys for longer than an hour each day?" Calum adds to Maxie's list of requirements, smirking.

"Is that a challenge?" I reply, returning the smirk.

"I think she'll fit in just fine" Ashton laughs, nudging Calum with his elbow.

"I think you're hired-" Maxie announces, waiting for me to finish with "Julia"

"Welcome aboard Julia" She officially states, shaking my hand, but pulling me in for a hug afterwards, Calum and Ashton opting straight for the hugs, which engulfed me, considering I was 3/4 of a foot shorter then them.

Getting back in the car after giving Maxie all my information, and getting excited highfives from Calum and Ashton, Matt stares at me.

"What is your problem?" I ask him, starting the car, and getting onto the street.

"Why did you lie? Why didn't you just tell me that you were going there to get your camera?" Matt says, crossing his arms.

"Because-because I thought you'd tell dad, and dad would give me another lecture" I explain, sighing.

"Thats a stupid reason Jules, you wouldn't-"

"And before you go on about 'I wouldn't get a lecture because I'm daddy's girl" you can shut up right now because you know as well as I know that dad would rather me focus on my studies." I rant, stopping the car at a stop light.

"I get them too-"

"No you don't, you don't ever get this lecture because you're the star athlete, and have a sure career in soccer. And even if something happened to you, you're still the top student in all of your classes." I finish, letting the words I just said settle in between us for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry Matt, I didn't mean to explode on you" I apologize, pulling the car into the driveway. "I'm just on edge about what dad's said about photography"

I turn my head to look at Matt, and he's looking back at me, his brown eyes sad.

"It's okay Jules, I understand. Mom's always thought I had the acting bug, and she's bugging me about going into the school musical, so I get how you feel"

I smile at my brother's attempt to cheer me up, and reach over the middle console to hug him.

"Ew Julia" Matt whines, making me laugh.


A/N: sorry this chapter is so short and kinda shitty, i had a brain fart the entire time writing it

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