Ten: Second Chances Won't Leave Us Alone

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Song: Kissing In Cars- Pierce The Veil


"You were great!" I yelled to Austin once their rehearsals were over. Their music was seriously amazing. I missed being able to listen to this kind of stuff.

"Thanks," he smiled, jumping off of the stage. He pecked my cheek. Ever since a few days ago when he confessed his love to me, we've agreed to take it slow because I'm not quite ready.

I wanted nothing more than to be happy with him forever and always, but my heart was keeping me from being able to love him. It was still worrying that Travis would hurt him.

"See you for the concert tomorrow!" Aaron yelled from the stage before disappearing off-stage.

"Yo, you guys want to go to Chipotle with Jacklyne and I?" Alan asked with his arm around his girlfriends waist. Jacklyne was very shy, from what I could see.

"No, it's alright," Austin said, grabbing my hand as we walked out of the venue. "I need to shower, then we can eat something," he explained to me.

Once we got home, Austin went straight to the shower while I checked my phone for any messages.

I had one message from my lawyer, reminding me that the hearing for Travis would be tomorrow at ten. I was worried as hell, but everyone reassured me that we would have no problem getting Travis locked up.

I was genuinely afraid of being in the same room with him again. I was afraid that he would find a way to hurt me again, even though he'd be in handcuffs.

A few minutes later, Austin came out of the shower in only a pair of basketball shorts. His hair was damp and brushed to the side in some sort of fifties hairstyle, obviously not done on purpose.

This was the first time I saw his chest piece and it was seriously amazing. Like a collage of beautiful art all across his body.

"Your tattoos are amazing," I commented.

"Do you want to get one with me tomorrow after the hearing? As a celebratory gift?" He asked with an excited smile.

"Um... I don't know. I've never actually gotten one before and I might be a complete wimp," I confessed.

"Violet, you've been through enough these past six years, I'm sure a little tattoo won't feel like anything."

I nodded, taking that into account. "I guess... I guess it won't be that bad, right? I mean, you're the biggest wimp I know and you have them all over," I teased. It was true that he looked kind of intimidating but when you got to know him, he was really just a giant teddy bear.

He laughed. "Alright, it's a deal."

I took a deep breath as I walked into the courtroom behind my lawyer. Austin was my witness, so he stood to the side, even though I wanted nothing more than for him to hold me.

I watched as Travis walked in, wearing an orange jail outfit. He glared at me and I quickly turned away.

We all took the oath to tell the entire truth before I could finally sit down. I could barely feel my legs.

"The judge calls Austin Robert Carlile to the stand," a loud voice boomed.

Austin stood up and sat in the stand beside the judge.

"What exactly did you witness on August third, Mr. Carlile?" The judge asked.

"Travis' hands were locked around Violet's neck. She looked like she was having trouble breathing so I pushed him off of her," Austin explained.

"Mr. McMorris, is this true?" The judge asked, facing Travis.

"Yeah, but he left out the part where he beat me up," Travis shot.

His lawyer cleared his throat. "In section-"

The judge silenced him. "Mr. Carlile, I assume your action were purely out of self defence?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, from looking at these injuries, I don't see a reason not to arrest Travis McMorris from seventy-five years to life. We're done here," the judge commanded before walking out of the room. Well, that was easy.

Austin stepped down from the stand and wrapped me in his arms. "We did it," he whispered in my ear.

I smiled widely. "I can't believe it. I'm so happy I could kiss you right now. But I'm not going to... let's go," I said nervously, pulling him out of the courtroom.

"I'll get you, Violet!" I heard Travis yell as he was being pushed into a cop car. "You'll be dead if it's the last thing I do!"

I tried to pretend like I didn't hear him as I pulled Austin back to his car. I got in and put my seatbelt on.

"Things will only get better from here, I promise," Austin reassured, intertwining his hand with mine as he started driving down the road.

I took a deep breath as the needle neared my wrist. This was it, I was getting my first tattoo.

It was only small. It said "I will break free." It was a quote from one of Austin's songs, Break Free, but I felt it was appropriate for the time being.

I wanted to get tattoos that signified important moments in my life, and this was one of them. I finally broke free of Travis with the help of Austin.

I heard the sound of the needle going, but the pain was barely there. It was like a small prick at the least. I turned my head and looked at Austin, who was getting a touch up on his right sleeve.

He smiled at me. "See, it's not that bad."

"Thank you for making me do this."

"It's not a problem. The first step to being a tattoo artist is having some tattoos of your own."

This was it. This was the start of my new and improved life.


I've never actually been to court and I kind of based that part on Judge Judy so sorry if that sucks...

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