How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha Chapter 17

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Stupid werewolves.

Stupid vampires.

There not even supposed to exist! Why did they just have to come and ravage my life?! Why did two brothers, one a werewolf and the other a vampire, both want me for different reasons? Why did the vampires have to take my sister? Why not just kill me now? Why this stupid math test?

This stupid math test is the least of my worries right now. Why do I need to know how to find the hypotenuse of a right triangle?! I grumble and resist the urge to pound my head on the desk. It's the middle of the day, just after lunch, and I have way better things to be doing than be in school. I have way more important issues to handle today without having to take this stupid math test.

I look at the clock and sigh. 1:23. Just a few hours till I can get my sister back. Just a few hours till I make my mate/boyfriend insanely mad at me. Just a few hours till I make my parents extremely disappointed in me. Just a few hours till I risk my life for my sister.

I really have a horrible life. The school bell rings and I get up and throw my unfinished test on the teacher’s desk. I walk out of the classroom and mingle amongst all the students in the hallway. Why do they not realize how good they have it? The least of their worries are whether or not they just passed the last math test. I know I sure didn't.

No one talks to me anymore. Only Ana. God bless her. I could so not live life right now without her. She's the only thing that is keeping me from running away to find Jenna right now at this very second.

Ana comes bounding towards me, face beaming, "Hey Jules! How'd you do on the math test?"

"How do you think?" I grumble, opening up my locker.

"Gosh. No need to be so rude. I myself think I passed with flying colors!"

"Yippee for you." I say sarcastically.

Okay, you’re asking me why I'm being such a jerk to everyone and anyone right now? Well I am because I seriously think that I've gone off the deep end with worry for my sister. Who knows what Abe is doing to her right now at this very moment! If last time he only had her for a couple of days and he hurt her so much that Audric had to change her just so that she would live, what state do you think she is in right now with being there for one whole, dang month?!! Gah! I'm sure I'm going to have an ulcer if I survive this...

"Aw come on, Julie. Don't worry about Jenna. Audric will find her." Ana says happily. How can she always be happy?!

"He won't find her. I have too."

"You're not still on this kick are you?" She groans. "Oh no! It's the end of the time limit, isn't it? Julie, you can't seriously go through with this! Abe will kill you!" She whispered at me, fiercely. Her hand rested on my shoulder and worry shone in her eyes for me.

"You all just don't understand. He's baiting me with Jenna. He wants me to come rescue her. None of you realize that Jenna could be dying right now! None of you realize what I'm going through right now! None of you realize how stressed and worried I am right now! None of you realize anything!" At first, I started out whispering to Ana, but got louder as I kept talking. By the end, I was shouting everything and Ana was looking around in horror.

Everyone was staring at me. "That's it." They were probably thinking, "She finally went off her rocker." Who would blame them for thinking that? I sure don't.

I looked at everyone with my most 'Don't mess with me' face and slammed my locker. I grabbed my backpack from the floor and stormed out of the building. I could hear the slap of Ana's shoes behind me.

"Julie! Where are you going? School’s not over yet!" I hear her shout. I grumble something incoherently and grab my bike from the bike rack. "Julie! Julie come back here!" I felt her hand on my arm, jerking me back.

"Let go of me, Ana." I pull my arm away from her and push off the ground. I peddle as fast as I can from her, trying to distract myself. I could feel my eyes tearing up...


"Dang Ana! Can't you take a hint?!" I scream at her. She had found her bike and was using her werewolf muscles to catch up to me. "I just want to be alone!"

"The Alpha said to not leave your side!" she hollered, pedaling up beside me. I turned down a back road, surprising her, but she quickly caught back up to me.

I know she was just being a good friend and I know she was worried about me. Everyone was... Losing Jenna to that creep really just set me off... And I know that I won't feel better till I get her back. Maybe Audric is right. Maybe I don't have to be the hero every time Jenna is in danger... But this time I do.

I jerk off the road and pedal into the woods; I sense that Audric is nearby. I stop my bike and get off, narrowly being missed by Ana's bike. She wasn't a very aware bike rider.

"Audric?" I look around the clearing, waiting for him to materialize out of thin air. Ana steps back into the foliage.

"Julie?" He sounded careful. Everyone knew that I was a walking time bomb lately. No one could predict my moods.

"Oh Audric..." I run into his arms. He wraps them around me. How could I have snapped and yelled at, of all people, him? "Audric, I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to be such a..." B word? Jerk? Butt-hole? A lot of words could describe me at that moment... I decided to let Audric himself fill the blank.

"It's okay Julie. We all understand that you've had a really rough time... Losing Jenna a second time was probably the worst thing that has happened to you yet... We'll find her, you know." He whispered into my hair.

I could tell what he was trying to do. "I'm still going to see if Abe will come to me when I'm alone..."

"Can I at least have my wolves there, in case he tries to do anything to you?" I could hear the desperation in his voice. This was the first time he tried something like this... He was actually negotiating instead of giving me an answer he wasn’t willing to change. Maybe he is starting to understand…

"He'll be able to sense them and not come... You know that..." I thought about it for a moment, "You can have them far enough away so that he won't be able to sense them..." I felt him relax a little.

"I'm scared... for you, Julie. I don't want anything to happen to you..." Audric whispered into my ear. His breath tickled my cheek.

"Nothing will happen to me..." My arms were beginning to ache, wrapped around his neck, so I opted for just leaning against his chest. We stayed there, like that, for a few moments. I pushed away from him and said, "It's time I got my sister back... I'm going to go find Abe. Don't wait up for me, okay? Hehe." I laughed at my pitiful joke. I turned my back towards him and walked deeper into the forest.


Grr! I trip across another fallen branch. Fading light plus many sticks and holes in the ground plus uncoordinated Julie equals many scratches and cuts and a very aggravated Julie.

I swear I've walked at least 73 miles. Not really. More like 10 or so. I'm not sure. I was never a good judge of time... or distance for this matter. I didn't know what to do except keep walking. I know Abe would never expose himself if he thought any wolves were around...

"Ugh!" I trip over a bigger log that I didn't seem to see and crash to the ground. I inspected my legs. A few minor cuts and bruises and a long gash that ran down the side of my leg from the stupid log. "Gr..." I stood up and brushed off my backside. I surveyed where I was.

2 words.



Surely, Abe would come out here. Plus I don't think I could walk much further. "Abe!" I holler. "Abe! I want to speak with you!" I hollered for awhile longer, and just when I thought he wasn't going to come, I felt a cold sensation tingle down my spine.

"Hello, there Julie. Fancy meeting you here."

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