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I felt nothing.

Every single traumatizing emotion I've felt are now gone.

I felt powerful, like I could do anything.

I starting walking around the town to find a crowded place.

Looking around I spotted the Mystic Grill. Might be a good place to grab a bite I thought to myself.

I walked in swigging my hips, grabbing the attention of pathetic guys.

Then I sat down at the bar and a bar tender walked over.

"Can I see you ID please?" he asked while his red looking at me questionably.

I looked straight into his eyes; "You don't need to see my ID."

"I don't need to see your ID." he mumbled

"So what can I get you?"

"Three shots of vodka."

The guy looked shocked but agreed as I smirked.

He came back with my shots and I downed them all as fast as I could.

If I was human I would have to feel the effects of the alcohol taking over my body but as a vampire it takes a lot more then a few shots to even get me tipsy.

I requested some more shots and made my way over to the pool tables.

When I made it there I became fully aware of how drunk these men were, they reaked of alcohol.

Their lust filled eyes traveled on my body and I felt disgusted but didn't let it show on my face.

And I'm pretty sure I saw one guy start drooling...

"Hey boys I was wondering if any of you know how to change a tire..? My car broke down outside and I'm not strong enough to fix it.." I batted my eyelashes and gave a slight pout for extra effect. Guys always fall for the innocent girl trick. Morons.

"I'll help you baby" One of them said my slightly flexing his "muscles" to try and impress me. It didn't work but I pretended it did.

I pulled the sweetest smile I could; "Thank you! my cars this way." I started walking expecting him to follow me, he did.

I took him to the alley next door, he looked confused but didn't question me.

I stopped and pushed him up against the wall. His eyes filled with hunger as I started kissing up his neck. He moaned but it didn't last long as I clamped my teeth onto his neck, sucking his metallic blood into my mouth.

He tried to scream but I covered his mouth with my hand that wasn't pinning him to the wall, preventing him from making any noise.

He started to struggle but I was done with him anyways. I took out my clamped teeth not wanting any dead bodies to worry about and looked into his eyes.

"You will not remember this. You came out here, helped me fix my car and then I left. That's all you remember. Now go back inside."

He followed my order and walked silently back inside.

Now that my hunger was gone I decided to go back to my brothers house. I mean I have no where else to stay so what the hell?

I used my vampire speed and ran back to the house.

I threw the door open; "HONEY I'M HOME!"

"What the hell Lilly?? Where have you been and why is there blood on your face?" Stefan questioned

"I went out to grab a bite Stefan. God why do you think I have blood on my face?"

"Well did you clean up your mess? I don't want the town to think vampires have come back."

"Yes Stefan I did. I didn't want to cause any trouble for my big brothers." My voice dripping with sarcasm

Damon walked down the stairs;. "What's with all the noise down here?"

"Why do you care Damon? It's none of your business anyway."

He glared at me, "What crawled up your ass and died?"


I cut off Stefan "Life."

Stefan looked over at Damon.

"Damon can I talk to you in the kitchen?"

They both walked into the kitchen to talk, but it's not like I couldn't hear them.

"You guys remember that I'm still a vampire right? I can hear everything you're saying." I didn't yell because I knew they would hear me.

They both ignored me but tried to whisper, I didn't help.

"Stefan I think she might have turned her humanity off.."

"Well if she did I don't exactly blame her. You were being a total dick to her and we still don't even know what happened to her all those years.."

"This isn't my fault so don't try to blame this on me." venom dripped from his voice

"I'm not Damon so calm down, I'm just saying it might have been part of the reason she turned it off."

They both walked back in at this point.

Stefan opens his mouth to talk but I already knew what he was going to ask.

"Yes. I did turn it off."

"Was it because of Damon?" that earned Stefan a slap and he glared back at Damon.

"Not totally."

"Than why?' Damon stepped in

"Why do you even care?"

"Because you're my little sister and I love you."

"It doesn't seem like it."

They both looked at me dumbfounded.

"Well I'm tired so I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

Damon sighed and mumbled a barely audible "sorry."

I pretended I didn't hear it and found an empty guest room upstairs and fell asleep.



Sorry this is a bad chapter but I hope you enjoy! Love you guys!! <3

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