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I'm Lilly Salvatore, I'm 164. But I was 17 when I was turned so we'll just leave it at that. I have two older brothers, Stefan and Damon, I'm guess you already know who they are. I have blonde hair so I look more like Stefan than Damon.

Ever since my older brothers fell in love with that bitch Katherine, my life became hell. We used to be really close! But once they fell in love with her they started acting like I was invisible. From that point on I suspected there was something off about Catherine, it's not everyday two brothers both instantly fall in love and start ignoring their baby sister. I'm not trying to sound selfish but they wouldn't just completely ignore me like that.

But I got my answers when my father came home one night and told me. how the town started killing and capturing all the vampires. Katherine was one of them. I was shocked, first I didn't even know vampires existed, and now she's one of them! But what shocked me more was that my brothers still tried to save her, how could they save a blood sucking vampire!? The only explanation was she was brainwashing them.

There was no way my brothers would be so careless like that! Well.. Damon might but I would never expect that he would do something like this! I thought they would be smarter than that, not falling for some stupid girl. I was defiantly going to talk to them when they got home even if they didn't want to talk to me! I had to something out of them. They can't ignore their little sister forever! I was about to walk away when my dad said he had one more thing to tell me. I looked at him questioningly before he spoke the words I'll never forget;

"Lilly, while they were trying to save Katherine they were both shot and killed."

I couldn't believe the words my father just spoke to me, but from he straight face I knew he was no where near joking. As I collapsed crying I saw how betrayed my father felt from what they had done but there was also relief written all over his face. While I was crying my father tried to comfort me but I wasn't buying his fake sympathy.

Both my big brothers were gone and for the second time in my life I felt lost. My father being unemotional wasn't making this any easier on me either. Because I knew later he would go drink all his problems away. I mean I understand why he would feel betrayed but his sons just died, he should show some more emotion than that. He was the only one I had left, with my mother gone and now my big brother I wasn't sure what I was going to do.

Without saying another word to my father I got up out of his arms and went to Damon's room and continued to sob on his bed. I had always been closer to Damon, I was the only one who understood his reckless ways. Everyone else, including my father, were always disappointed in him. But now I have two dead brothers who died way to young. Stefan was only 17 and Damon was 24. This wasn't fair!

After crying for a while I heard voices coming from my father office so I quickly wiped my tears and walked to his office. When I entered I saw a figure biting my father's neck, a vampire. I tried to scream but all I could mange to get out was a gasp. Hearing me, the figure quickly spun it's body around, it was Stefan. I couldn't believe my eyes and quickly blinked to see if it was real. When I reopened my eyes the only thing I saw was my fathers dead, bleeding body lying on the floor, and this time, I did scream.

I continued to scream and cry till people from town came rushing into my house, pushing me aside to get to my fathers body. Not caring that I had lost both my brothers and my father in one day, the only thing they cared about was my father's body. Realizing that there was nothing left for me in Mystic Fall I quickly ran into my room and gathered some necessities and a few sentimental things from my brothers rooms and ran. Never looking back on Mystic Fall and the misery it brought me.


[Stefan's picture will be on the side]

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