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Mark had his mouth open and was drooling all over the pillow. My arms were around him and my head was buried in his side. I lifted my head up and looked into his eyes.

"Have a good sleep?" He was smiling and rubbing his eyes.

"Yea. Did you?" I gave him joyful eyes.

"You kept me warm all night. So yea pretty much."

"Good." I buried my face into the pillow and took a deep breath in. He rubbed my back and got up. When I looked up he only had boxers on...

"Holy shi-"

"Yea just go!" My hands slapped my face, and I laughed when I heard him slam the bathroom door. He opened up the door and had some sweats on.

"That's better." He chuckled and walked into the kitchen.

"Alright... What's for breakfast?"

"I think I have a little bit of cereal left."

"Ok. I'll eat it." We walked toward the counter and poured two bowls of cereal. I got the milk out and poured it into the bowls.

"What kind?"

"I have no idea... Ponsi got this." He laughed and smiled like usual. He had the greatest smile ever!

"Oh! No wonder it's so sweet. He has an addiction doesn't he?"

"You just now noticed?"


"Alright. Well let's go sit."


We walked over to the couch balancing the cereal in the bowl. I sat down next to him, bending over, and slurping up my cereal. Then I sniffed up the smell of cereal... And then noticed there was no alcohol smell.

"Hey you didn't go to a party last night."

"There isn't one every night. That would be so rough for me." He rubbed the back of his neck and looked tense.

"Oh well that's good." I patted his shoulder and closed my eyes. While having a big toothy grin.

"So, what's up for today?"

"I don't know what do you want to do? This is your town, and your apartment."

"That doesn't mean anything. But I don't know the beach? We can ask the guys to come if ya want." I opened my eyes and gasped.

"What?! The beach? Yay! I've always wanted to go there with someone!"

"Alright we're going to the beach then let's pack!"

"But wait... I don't have a bathing suit!"

"Oh well I'm sure the girl your age next door could help." He gave me a devilish smile.

"What there is a girl next door? You didn't tell me!" I shoved him in the shoulder. He looked back at me seriously and smiled with one corner of his mouth.

"Yea, go over there!"

"Ok, ok. I'm going... *cough* loser *cough*"

"What? That's no how you do it."

I laughed and slammed the door behind me. When I walked toward the door and it was all dusty, it looked like no one had opened it in forever. The door was the same maroon color as Marks door. I knocked and someone yelled in the room. The footsteps sounded more like stomps than real footsteps. A girl a little bit shorter than me opened up the door and looked at me.

"Umm yes?" She cocked her head and crossed her arms.

"I'm umm Autumn from next door... Marks little.... Friend." I thought about telling her about me being his little sister, but who knows! She could fan girl out if all I know...

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