You Wanna Go Out With Me?

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*Claire's POV*

After dropping Lucas off at the air port Harry drove me back to his mums house. I open the door

"Hey Claire wait..." Harry says grabbing my arm

"What is it Haz?" I ask shutting the door

"I was wondering if maybe if you wanted to..."

"Harry are you trying to ask me out?"

"Um yeah..."

"Harry Styles is nerves to ask me out?"

"You know what forget it" he says blushing

"Hey, I was going to say pick me up at eight" I smile leaning over kissing his cheek before getting out of the car

"Hey..." he says and I turn back to his car "Wear something sexy for me baby " he says with a wink

"I'll think about it" I Say walking up to the house

I walk in met by his mum

"What was that?" she asks coming around the corner

"Your son's way of asking his Fiancée on a date" I walk over to the stairs to get ready

*8 o'clock*

I hear the door open down stairs I'm in my bath room finishing up my make up

"So is this a big night" I hear his mum ask

"Mum stop you promised that if I try, you wouldn't pressure me"

I drop my eye liner feeling a little more hurt then I expected before picking it up finishing it before I see Harry come into view leaning against the door frame

"You look ravishing" He says lowly

"Do I?" I say coldly

"What is that supposed to mean?" he asks a frown forming on his face as he crosses his arms

"Oh I don't know what does mum stop I promised I would try. Sorry you have to try so hard" I say walking into my room brushing past him

He turns with me "Hey you don't understand this wasn't easy for me having to be careful where I take you to make sure you don't end up in the papers. Its pretty god damn stressful!" His anger comes out at the end

"Oh and it is easy for me to move to another country where I know no one?!" I shout back

His facial exasperations change right after the words leave my mouth. I sit on my bed in frustration we stay in silence for awhile. Before he steps in front of me he kneels down

"I'm sorry" He says and I look up "I just kept pretending nothing was weird and I guess I just didn't stop to think about how you felt"

"Its fine I know its not easy. It's okay if you don't want the public to know me"

"No I want them to you know you" he said standing pulling me up with him

"You do?"

"Yes I do! I also want to do this" he say cupping my face in his hands kissing me. When we pull away I smile


"Now lets go introduce you to the world as my girlfriend"

"Girlfriend?" I ask still wrapped in his arms

"Yes! And I want you to move in with me"


"That or you get your own place. Now lets go" he says puling me out of my room and down the stairs

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