Your the Best Emergency That Ever Happened...

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*Claire's POV*

"Your mom didn't seem as bad as you said she was" Johannah says as she helps me with my bracelet while Lottie zips up my dress

"I know she wasn't...demanding was kinda nice" I say turning around to look at my self

"You look stunning honey"

"Yeah now that I'm Louis date since Harry can't come anymore" I laugh "What go have happened that he knew he wouldn't make it to the party"

"We know just as much as you do" Lottie says putting on her necklace

"Lottie we should getting going to make sure everything is perfect" Johannah says straitening out her dress

"Okay, we will see you at the party okay" Lottie says hugging me good bye and the her mom does as well

"Louis come give us a hug good bye" his mom calls for him

"Bye mum see you later tonight" he says hugging them and walking them to the door "hey do you need anymore help getting...WOW" Louis says walking back into the room

"Um I could use some help with my shoes"

"Okay well sit down" he motions to the bed I sit as he grabs the first shoe getting on his knee sliding on my shoes "Sorry your stuck with me as a date to night"

"Hey don't say that" I say standing "Just promise to dance with me to at least one song please"

He stands up and I fix his tie "I'm terrible at dancing Claire"

"Well let's practice" I say taking his hands
1..2..3..4...1..2..3..4" I count as we dance in my room "see your doing fine"

"We should go I don't want to be late" he says taking my hand as we walk out the door. Once we arrive at his car he gets the door for me like a proper gentle man

"Thank you" I say sitting

"My pleasure my lady"

"So where is your party"

"I'm not entirely sure Haz gave me directions" he says starting the car and driving off

*twenty minutes later*

"Louis how much longer do I have to keep my eyes closed I don't like this game" I say as I feel the car stop "are we here?"

"Yes but before you open your eyes I need to read you something"

"Okay" I smile

"Claire, you showed up to my flat with Harry only a few months ago after he said their was an emergency. Well Claire you are the best emergency that has ever happened to Harry or to the band and trust me their has been a lot. With that said I want you to know that you are with my best friend. I know you two were put together in away neither of you guys had planned but you guys are making it work. The day you moved in was the day I start to pester Harry about letting me move out as a wedding gift to you guys..." He pauses to laugh

"Louis..." I start before he interrupts me

"Shhh I'm almost finished...but I'm so glad he has continued to say no because I get to see the way you two are together when you don't have to be a couple. I have been able to see you guys grow closer to where I think you two will adventualy forget how you guys got together because you both are so happy. So thank you for being the best emergency."

"Louis what the..." My voice cracks

"Please don't cry yet"he says "okay keep your eyes closed okay?" He says opening the door


I hear him walk around the car and take my hands helping me out of the car "okay now you can open them"

I flutter my eyes open "where..." I start before I see the playground behind him
Louis gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before getting back in the car and leaving me in the road that's when I see Harry come from behind the set

"Hey beautiful" he says his arms up I walk rather quickly for the heals I'm in right up to him "Damn you look gorgeous." He says smiling down at me as he wraps his arms around me

"Why thank you, Louis is very lucky to be my date" I say smirking making him laugh

"Well I don't know if I can share you" he says pulling me up on set

"Well isn't someone greedy" I tease

"When it comes to you yes...but that is a thing I'm find out among other, I don't want to share you with any one I barely want to let you have lunch with the guys" he laughs "I am completely falling for you baby and hard. I love hearing your giggle in bed in the morning when you wake up before me and want out of my embrace. I find my self sleeping on my side of our bed and waking up not only on your side but holding you close, I feel a pull to you in a way I never have before... I continue to feel like I need you I need to see that smile and when I can't I will fight to get it back" he says playing with my hands that's when I do start crying

"So after saying that I want you to answer my next question not because it's what our parents want or expect but because you feel the same way I do and are willing to see if we can have something so amazing that you and I forget how this all started" he said before getting on one knee

"Claire, will you marry me?" He says looking up at a box in hand

"Yes yes, I will marry for all those reasons as long as you love me for who I am and not who you wish I could be or..."

"All I want to be is you" he says standing kissing me the opening the box holding my left hand and sliding the ring on to my finger before kissing me

"Do we really have to go to the party?" I say reluctant to go to a party

"We can't skip our room mates party that we planned" he says kissing me and taking my hand as we walk off the set to the side walk "come on it just around the corner"

"Fine" I say resting my head on his shoulder as walk

"Here we are" he says walking up to a big building

"Wow pretty" I say as he opens the door every thing gets quite

"And here is the happy couple now" I hear over the mic before the lights come up and I see all our friends

"Oh this is actually our engagement party by the way" Harry says kissing me

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